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{Name} Aranis

{Goes by} Dad most of the time/Dear or Honey by his wife... depends on who you talk too

{Appears} 28

{Race} Eladrin / Hydra

{Heads} 4

{Height} 6'4

{Weight} 240

{Hair} Grey black or white

{Eye color} green, red, or yellow

{Build} Athletic


{Wife} Gisselle Valeneros - Corinaith


Sylvaria Corinaith (Daughter)

Aranadile Corinaith (Son)

Valindra Corinaith (Daughter)

Vamiria Corinaith (Daughter)

Valamina Corinaith (Daughter)

{Step Children}

Greyanna Vress'lve (Step Daughter),

Veldrin Vress'lve (Step Son),

Rennyn Norrora (Step Son),

Aila Norrora (Step Daughter),

Shyonia Norrora (Step Daughter)


{Court} Eldarin High Court.

Autumn is the season of peace and goodwill, when summer’s harvest is shared with all.

Winter is the season of contemplation and dolor, when the vibrant energy of the world slumbers.

Spring is the season of cheerfulness and celebration, marked by merriment as winter’s sorrow passes.

Summer is the season of boldness and aggression, a time of unfettered energy.

{Jewellery} Tamer ring
The wearer of the ring has the ability to quell the beast within. As long as this ring is worn on the body the hydra with him is in a catatonic state until the ring is removed, though the longer the hydra sleeps, the hungrier he will be when he awakens.
Best removed in the middle of battle when your life is in danger
A gift from the Widow Valeneros or Lady Nimena

Mentality} Chaotic

{Weapons and items used}
-spear (enchanted) fire/lightning
-Whip (enchanted) Ice/earth capable of draining magical energy or life force and delivering it back to the wielder
-Armor light cloth (enchanted) grants immunity to any weapon not enchanted. (Note this is an aspect of the hydras body)
-Wind walkers boots (enchanted) enables basic wind walking letting the user appear to be flying when they are in truth only strengthening the bonds between the air tides letting them walk upon it like one does the earth bellow

{Ability's} toxic Venom, toxic breath, Head Regeneration, Venomous Blood, Anti magic shell, anti magic zone, magic nullification, poison immunity, weapon immunity, Elemental control (Fire water earth and air)

{NOTE} The Hydra portion of this char is incapable of breeding, any dna taken cannot be cloned or used to make any form of this creature unless it is okayed by me for story line purposes.
October 2, 2020

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