Ruler of Eladrin
Princess Sylvaria Corinaith

~¤~ Other Names: Princess Sylvaria Valeneros Corinaith
~¤~ Character Type: Elven Hybrid
~¤~ Actual Age: 124
~¤~ Gender: Female
~¤~ Parents: Queen Gisselle Valeneros Corinaith {Birth Mother}
King Aranis Corinaith (Birth Father)
~¤~ Love Interest:
Languages : Elvish and Common
Weapons: Dagger strapped to her hip
~¤~ Skin Tone: lightly sun kissed
~¤~ Hair Type/Color: Gold, long silky.
~¤~ Eyes: Pale blue pools
~¤~ Height: 5'3"
~¤~ Weight: 104 pounds
~¤~ Body Type: Slender, lithe.
~¤~ Voice/Accent: Soft Elvish accent non Sylvan
~¤~ Identifying Marks: N/A
~¤~ Dress Style: Royalty style of the Eladrin court.
~¤~ Personality Traits:
~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Straight
~¤~ Skills: Find out in RP
~¤~ Combat: Find out in RP