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The Beginning

Gisselle Ronorian is now Gisselle Eldithas, her father adopted her when he finally married her mother Queen Arafina Ronorian. She never knew her father, he disappeared before she was born. Gisselle grew up on a farm on the outskirts of Eladrin, it was prosperous, where she learned to ride horses and take care of things, she loved the outdoors. she grew up around all kinds of animals and learned magic her mother used, and eventually when her mothers love interest Sarkas arrived seeing she had a child which was Gisselle he was angered, but her mother talked him into being Gisselle's tutor where he taught her to harness her powers and essentially taught her how to be a lady in strange ways and protected her from prying eyes like the father she never had.
Gisselle in the beginning was frustrated feeling like she didn't fit in to Eladrin, that she wasn't ready to be its Princess and she wasn't sure why her mother accepted after all the dangers that faced them after her mother ascended the throne. After some time she come to accept her fate and calmed down from running away and being so wild, acting like a lady of the court and helping those in need especially after her mothers death.



The death of her mother
Her mother was killed in the middle of the night in her sleep by a Frost Lord. It devastated Gisselle to the point she locked herself in the room for days in tears begging the gods why they took her from her and fearing her father would leave her now that her mother was gone. She couldn't ascend the throne she wasn't ready she needed to study. Her father agreed to stay as king which made her love her father even more then before, he didn't leave her, he was all she had left and he stayed. She couldn't have been happier, except for wishing her mother was back feeling bad at all the times she snapped at her mother for treating her like a child instead of a lady, she never really forgave herself for that.



First heartbreak
Now courting Caratis and trying to grow up she is trying to learn the ways more of Eladrin's parliament and being strong like her mother was to one day help the kingdom like her father is doing now and with any luck with Caratis and Merr at her side.
Recently Caratis spent what was three hours to Eladrin was twelve years in the Fae realm. Caratis came back a different man, very powerful and very demanding. Things were not going his way in Eladrin so he was going to take Gisselle to the Fae realm. Gisselle did not want to leave her father and that angered Caratis, so they got in a fight and Gisselle broke off the engagement. Merr and Caratis went back into the Fae realm and Gisselle remains in Eladrin with her father where she belongs. Another piece of her heart broken in such a short amount of time.



Two Fathers?
Now her father that she was told died in the war all these years has resurfaced in Eladrin. Her heart is torn not wanting to have to choose. Both fathers are saying she doesn't have to but one is saying he wishes not to be in the way of the other but will always be there for her. She hopes these two will be there for her through all the rough times she is sure the kingdom is about to face, coming out of the box her mother had her in all those years has been a difficult process for her, but with time, and those close to her helping her along with the recent set backs, she is growing to eventually be a fine young queen one day, and currently a charming princess who is an understudy of Izzy in the fighting skills.
King Sarkas had never returned, her step father is missing and Gisselle was forced by the Seelie court to take the throne. Scared to do this alone she with Parliament approval appointed her real father Lucien Valeneros as her Steward so he could make the decisions and not be forced to marry.


First Husband
Now she has a new love in her life and new personal bodyguard. Verve Vresselve, a kind soul that Gisselle showed many things to and vice versa. Lucien gave permission for Verve and Gisselle to court amongst the chaos that has been ensuing in Eladrin recently with the Black Palm assassins.
King Verve is missing at the moment. Gisselle has been searching for him and has returned to DarkStone learning of Nogards death and her fathers as well as her sisters kidnapping and other things happening in her leave of absence. With her twins in tow she is now permanently residing in Eladrin to restore her kingdom after the Illithid wars and restore faith in her people that their king will return soon and all will be well. In the meantime some very important people of Eladrin have perished or have gone missing recently and she is trying to recover positions lost and help the elven brethren who have lost their homes during the battles that took place as well as fight her half brother who is attempting to take the throne from her and using her sister Thraele as leverage.


1st heartbreak returns 
Caratis has returned to the kingdom now that her husband has been missing for so long, turned out that her lady in waiting was in fact alive and it was a glamour spell he used on anothers head to make it look like Sivella's. The council member Lord Glacious has been plotting to somehow have his son or himself end up with the Eladrin crown part of his plan failing was trying to have his son woo Gisselle and wish to declare her husband dead so she is open for marriage. Upon Gisselle finding out his plans from her father. She shifted into a void wolf and due to this the soul gem from Drakkonis cracked leaking the Elysium within her. His counterpart William and Blaze Darkblade had to remove the crystal, pull the void from her and form it into a memory crystal so their children would not loose all from their father Verve. Due to William instilling his own Elysium energy into the fixed crystal within her chest she had ended up gaining some abilities from the Elysium fields.

1st husband missing...
Her husband has been missing for several months now and during the last couple of months the court was pushing her to denounce him as her husband and declare him missing presumed dead. Finally on this day she had announced to the kingdom that he was indeed missing and presumed dead, and that her father was currently in charge of the kingdom while she remained on her sabbatical for just a little longer so she could grieve for the loss of her husband. Meanwhile Lord Glacious is pushing his plans for Gisselle and his son to get acquainted.


Forbidden love affair
Things heated up the night of the royal ball for Elera's seventh birthday. A beautiful night turned into a night of passion when she ended up in the entangled clutches of Darius Spellmaker, son of King Damon of Palast. A friendship that blossomed into something more as that night of passion ended with him marking her as his mate belonging to him and professing his love for her. She accepted him willingly and now she had to tell both fathers about this......passionate love affair turned permanent.

Gisselle's death and ressurection
Things in Eladrin have gotten really bad and she has contemplated about taking over the throne now so her father can focus on the war that the dragon Crimson has caused. He caused Drakkonis to literally kill Gisselle, thankfully her uncle Damien and Uncle Michael were there to bring her back from the spirit world and bring her back to life, which she has not been able to get over since Drakkonis was her friend. Darius has been helping her get over the ordeal becoming literally her rock, her knight in shining armor. She slowly is starting to feel strong enough to take back her life after loosing Verve and is wanting to save her kingdom and be a better mother for her children. Eladrin is trying to figure out a way to return the castle from the realm it was taken and placed in and put it back to its rightful place, but going to be hard to do until Crimson is defeated.

A lovers betrayal
Darius Spellmaker was a man she fell hard and fast for during the Crimson situation, between the loss of Verve, the loss of William, the turmoil of Crimson and her children and kingdom she was trying to protect she needed someone to lean on and he happened to be right there when she needed him. However it seemed his father Damon Spellmaker got in the way of things, for Darius seemed to disappear for over four years without giving a reason why, furthermore Palast giving Crimson a tower in thier kingdom which strained relationships between Palast and Eladrin due to Palast helping an enemy of Eladrin. Faern had brought Gisselle recently to the Elysium fields afterwards to help heal her heart for a small time leaving Lucien to run things in her stead with Lady Nimena.


A new rock
Aiden Drejan had been courting her for four years respectfully. No touching, no kissing, just holding hands and talking when she needed someone to talk too. The mark of Darius was removed from body and soul but not without a price, her Elysium energy that laid dormant within her started going haywire, which is where William came in. He had touched her trying to calm her down forgetting about his secretions on mortals which enduced hallucinations, one in particular she had of being in love with William which William had an accidental slight hand in because he had a crush on Gisselle for sometime after Kushiel Blackheart had left him and abandoned a child to him. After much discussion Gisselle and William had decided to court each other to see how things turn out.
Gisselle and William married and had three beautiful children. Daughter Aila Norrora, Daughter Shyonia Norrora and Son Rennyn Norrora. New Prince's and Princesses in the kingdom, five of them now. She has had some trouble with the eldest two during all of this, they feeling displaced with their father gone and a new man in their lives with new half siblings, they felt at times they were pushed out. Both Gisselle and William have tried their hardest to make them feel loved and to feel they have not lost their place in succession. When her time has come one of the twins would rule. She would name her successor later in the future, but in the meantime many things have happened since their marriage.

Between the Black Palm destroyed. Samael and Lillith still a looming threat, her younger sister Elera becoming an elemental and her sister Thraele going through her own personal trials, along with new comers and a looming curse among dieties, things even after the Black Palm are not so quiet. The only thing Gisselle can do at this point is put on her beautiful smile and keep the peace for the good of her people, with William at her side that should be a piece of cake.


2nd husband missing..

William had been missing for several months. No one knew if he was stuck in the Elysium, dead, out and about or simply in another realm. But another absent king the council was no longer going to tolerate, that and refused to tolerate the male choices of Gisselle since they have both landed in disaster. The council decided that William was missing presumed dead among the court and that Gisselle was forbidden to marry lest it was arranged for the benefit of the kingdom. She was no longer allowed to chose her own mate as the council decided to make the decision themselves for the safety of the crown. Gisselle sensed something darker was a foot, but she would voice her opinions at a later date when she had stronger evidence. She missed William terribly and this forcing him out broke her heart. She begged for him to come back, but as Sun said, he wasn't there when she needed him the most. Her welfare was not his priority. So she had to face the truth and carry on.



3rd and hopefully final husband
After the whole fiasco with Eva's husband Aiden Drejan she had befriended Prince Aranis... She had trouble with the current council shortly after her fathers death, they were declaring her unfit to rule and starting a coop to remove her from the throne. Aranis and the people of Eladrin had stopped it, sending them to trial in the square by the people against Queen Gisselle. The people sided with the Queen and accused the council men of treason, they were all sentenced to death and the Queen was in hiding for a few days. Aranis carried out the executions on watch by the Widow Nimena, afterwards Aranis went and retrieved Gisselle when things were calm, and now... after everything that has transpired they had become close and courting each other unoffically at the moment. Gisselle needing the companionship as much as Aranis it was an arrangement that was working for the both of them, till her twins could accept him.
A wedding day to remember as she marries a third time to Prince Aranis, knowing for sure this is the one. With a child on the way, and her twins accepting her new husband, it was all going up from here. Her twins were helping more in the kingdom, the kingdom was flourishing. A few hiccups along the way but it was all up hill for her kingdom now that the council was abolished thanks to the efforts of Lady Nimena and her new husband Aranis. The citizens were happy and so was her family.  Aranis gave her two beautiful children, a girl named Sylvaria and a boy named Aranadile, What more could a mother ask for?


Blight dragon and... vampires?

Gisselle and Aranis have been married for several years at this point.  There was a blight dragon that Gisselle had stumbled upon shortly after the visit from Tartarus.  Gisselle was pregnant with Aranadile when she first stumbled upon the blight that was rotting a forest.  She thought the dragon had killed the bodies she was eating so Gisselle was on full attack mode to get rid of the dragon, but the dragon just dug up the bodies to eat causing decay in the forests... that still would not due, the blight was killing wildlife and the mystics that inhabited the forest, the blight had to be driven out..

During this time recently Valestat appeared after several decades, when he was last in Eladrin he was courting her handmaiden at the time she was a princess Lady Sivella, who was turned during her life and died shortly after.  After having her son Yaksha brought Sivella back fom the dead, then decided after Sivella had conversation with Sivella realeased her and in that moment decided to turn over a new leaf, which Gisselle pardoned him for.  In the meantime, Yaksha's maker Krishna appeared who was causing more trouble than he was worth.  Gisselle sentenced him to death but Krishna escaped... and Gisselle learned the truth of the past from Sivella, who became spirit guadian of Eladrin per death himself.



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