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~¤~Stats: Gisselle

hp: 58
Str: 15 +2
Dex: 15 +2
Con: 15 +2
Int: 12 +1
Wis: 14 +2
Cha: 14 +2

speed: 40 feet
Attack: +10/+5
Fort: +9
Ref: +5
Will: +9
Immunity : Charmed, magic sleep effects, all poisons
+2 saving throw VS enchantment spells or effects.

Skills: Listen (+2), Search (+3), Spot (+3), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (+2), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
Languages : Common, Elvish, Draconic, Drow, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan

Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency, Animal companion, nature sense, wild empathy, Woodland stride, Trackless step, Venom immunity, Improved Initiative, Toughness.

Weapons: shortbow, Long sword, Quarterstaff
Armor: Leather +3


~¤~ Skills: Dancing, Singing, Charisma, Conversation, People pleaser..

~¤~ Combat: (Everything her mom & Nimena taught her) Currently under training with Lord Blackheart and Izzy.

The Void: Can call upon the voids energies to use for her own will. Rather it is to replenish lost energy or use it for self defense. She can infuse weapons with the void, she can use the void to teleport, she could use it as a shield, the void is everything and nothing, it is a realm of its own a realm of nothing courtesy of her husband.

Elysium Aspect: She will feel as if she was one with the Elysium Planes/Fields

Elysium Senses: All her senses are heightened to their optimum state.

Elysium control: She is able to control the Elysium energy within her...Only the energy within her.

Purification: The user can remove the darkness or evil from a person or objects, often including demons possessing it or mind control affecting it. It can turn evil to good or merely make someone pure.

Arcane Shield: Using the elements available at the time, the user can create a temporary defense from attackers, either a flash of fire to keep them back or a wall of thorns to protect themselves from attackers.

Fast Healing: Pretty self explanatory...

Invisibility: She can make herself invisible to go though rooms and places undetected.

Animal Calling: Can talk to animals and sometimes can get them to aid her in times of trouble...

Plant Manipulation: Can manipulate plant and earth life to grow and be used to aid her in times of need or trouble. Or make it regrow where it once stood if it was burnt or destroyed.

Magic Reverse: Can stop any spell being cast in a 30 ft area (spell is considered cast thus loosing the spell per day) and can do one of three things with it.

- Can restore HP and gain as much health as the lvl of the spell +1


- Can reverse the spell and channel it through their weapon and use it as an arcane strike(as the feat)

- Can restore a spell per day of that lvl spell (though if it was a 6th lvl spell and the highest you know is 4th lvl you gain a 4th lvl spell per day) or lower This ability is usable 3/Day.

~¤~ Weapons: Small Dagger - Given to her by Kaien, gave it to her explaining its orgins that the Queen of thieves had used it to stab a note to the door saying he was serving a false monarchy, the worst part was the one who signed had her mothers handwriting, finding out from Sarkas that it was indeed true she was alive and blames Gisselle for apparently conspiring to kill her, which was false, Gisselle would have never hurt her mother, she loved her dearly.

Fire Sword - A very unique style of sword, gifted to her by Damien Blackheart, until she's ready to handle the true gift he has for her. It is enchanted with Critical Strike, and is made from darksteel, as well as the scales of an Elder Wyrm red dragon for lightweight strikes. Durable enough to handle even adamantine, this sword can also provide her with fire resistance, nullifying up to one hundred damage of magical fire attacks

~¤~Totems: Ward Bracelet: Given to her by Lord Damien so he and the Lady Nimena could locate her if she is in danger. {Think of it as Medieval GPS} High strength, yet flexible gold, moonstone, ruby, and adamantine make up the serpent shape of this piece of jewelry, but that's not all that make this special. It is also enchanted with an Awaken spell, which causes the item to become sentient, and obey the will of its master [in this case, Gisselle]. Along with this, it is able to sense if danger is coming, and protect its owner from it, by both releasing a mixture of hemlock, cedar, and nightshade powder from its mouth, as well as by sending out a shield of force, knocking the invader back. If a threat is detected, its scales will brighten, and its eyes will glow the color of flames


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