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Princess Greyanna Vress'lve


~¤~ Other Names: Grey, Anna or Greyanna

~¤~ Character Type: Voidling Elven Hybrid (Blood/High)

~¤~ Year of Birth: Appears to be 21 years old

~¤~ Gender: Female

~¤~ Parents: Verve Vresslve (Voidling) {Declared dead by the Eladrin Court} and Gisselle Valeneros {Blood/High Elf}

~¤~ Step Parents: Aranis Corinaith - King of Eladrin

~¤~ Other Family:
--» Veldrin Vresslve - Twin Brother
--» Valin Lacrouix - Great Great Grandfather (Deceased)
--» Elaina Tuleja Lacrouix - Great Great Grandmother (Deceased)
--» Sera Numenesse-Xenoscient - Great Grandmother (Deceased)
--» William Xenoscient - Great Grandfather (Deceased)
--» Ravyn Blackheart - Grandmother
--» Nimena Valeneros - Grandmother
--» Lucien Valeneros - Grandfather (Deceased)
--» Elera Valeneros - Aunt
--» Tylan Valeneros - Uncle
--» Sardan Valeneros - Uncle (Deceased)
--» Thraele Valeneros - Aunt
--» Hana Blackheart - Aunt (Missing)
--» Raven Blackheart - Uncle (Missing)
--» Shyonia Norrora - Half Sister (Missing)
--» Aila Norrora - Half Sister (Missing)
--» Rennyn Norrora - Half Brother (Missing)
--» (More to come)

~¤~ Marital Status: Single

~¤~ Love Interest: Aelerea

~¤~ Skin Tone: Porcelian pale

~¤~ Hair Type/Color: White as snow

~¤~ Eyes: Transition from blue to black

~¤~ Height: 5'3"

~¤~ Weight: 110 Pounds

~¤~ Body Type: Lithe frame

~¤~ Voice/Accent: Soft no particular accent.

~¤~ Identifying Marks: N/A

~¤~ Personality Traits: I am very touchy feely, idealy she is a survivalist and loves to have fun..

~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Undetermined

~¤~ Languages: Elvish, Common, Draconic, Sylvan and Voidling

~¤~ Skills: Transforms into shadow wolf. Has base speed of 30 feet. Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. Darkvision has a radius of 120 ft. She is immune to sleep spells and has an advantage against being charmed. She has proficiency in the Arcana skill and have an advantage on it. She has a +2 to spell attack rolls and +1 to damage or heal rolls. +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. She merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it. Silent Casting. She can cast spells without using a verbal component. As such, she can cast spells without breaking from stealth, or when affected by silence. Starting at 4th level, she gets a 1/day cast of invisibility, applying only to themselves. Your knowledge of history and religion has given you proficiency in them, and reading comes quicker to you than other people, allowing you to read faster. She is immune to natural diseases. Also just like most elves, they are beautiful compared to others and have an advantage on persuasion roles.

~¤~ Becoming the cage of Aelerea
Grey will now have Awerness of the beast letting her know were Aelerea is.
Will be able to summon and give commands to Aelerea.
Will know Aelerea's emotional state and will also have greater immunity to both magic and to most weapons.
Aelerea will never be able to attack grey

~¤~ Combat: Shroud of the void, Venom of the Void, master at attacks from afar.

~¤~ Favorite Quote: Why am I different?

Greyanna was born to Queen Gisselle Valeneros and at the time King Verve Vresslve of Eladrin. Her father vanished shortly after she and her brothers birth to no one knows where. A year or so later the kingdom of Eladrin had declared their father dead otherwise if her mother refused they were going to hunt him down and execute him for treason. The real reason her mother allowed this was because her father could devour the entire kingdom if they attacked him because not many knew he was a voidling devourer. So she saved not only her husbands life but the kingdoms as well, and as such the kingdom declared her legally a widow from her husband. Which several years later her mother met her step father William, which Greyanna really didn't spend much time with. She was optimistic though unlike her brother whom felt anger for the marriage to be occuring because he was trying to convince Grey that their mother would forget about them. Greyanna would never believe such a thing and knew how much her mother loved them. She is growing and trying to figure things out in her life and what her future holds for her while having fun doing so.

~*~ UPDATES ~*~

Greyanna and Veldrin were getting out of hand at one point...their powers were getting out of control and they were starting to take after their father, so their Uncle Drakkonis took them to the void where he himself was also a voidling to train them to control their powers, taken in the middle of the night to this baron dark place of nothing, which felt like many years was only a few months according to Eladrin time, but because time ran differently in the void, they actually aged from being five or six to thirteen years old in a matter of months almost being unrecognizable to the kingdom. She hasn't run into most of her family members yet save for her mother who almost passed out when she saw her. She noticed now since she was away she gained three new half siblings and is praying her brother doesn't get jealous over them.

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