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Prince Rennyn Norrora


~¤~ Other Names: Prince Rennyn Valeneros-Norrora

~¤~ Character Type: Elven Hybrid (High Elf/Blood Elf)/Ancient,  the liquid that flows through his veins is unknown, though what does remain certain, is that if his blood should ever be taken by force, or consumed without his consent, it will physically, and mentally harm those individuals.

~¤~ Actual Age: ????

~¤~ Gender: Male

~¤~ Parents: Queen Gisselle Valeneros Norroa (High Elf/Blood Elf){Birth Mother} 

King William Norrora (Ancient Elysium Guardian / Birth Father)

~¤~ Love Interest: None

Languages :




~¤~ Skin Tone: lightly sun kissed

~¤~ Hair Type/Color:  red and long.

~¤~ Eyes: Interchange from green/greyish silver/gold

~¤~ Height: 6'1"

~¤~ Weight: 215 pounds

~¤~ Body Type: Slender and muscle toned.

~¤~ Voice/Accent: Soothing light baritone.

~¤~ Identifying Marks: N/A

~¤~ Dress Style: Nobility style of the Eladrin court.

~¤~ Personality Traits:  There are many sides to Rennyn, those lucky enough not to view him as cold and distant see him as a loyal noble or friend. Those few he calls his friend and those select fewer he is affectionate towards know unparalleled protection, for if they have learned that much of him, he has a use for them and thus they become an extension of him. Typically though he is found as cold, distant, professional, as well as stoic. He does display a sense of humor although twisted and disturbing to many. How ever it is difficult to read him emotionally and psionically having sealed away his thoughts behind a tough mental barrier only the most talented psionics could pierce with great effort. Some had compared Rennyn's mind and emotions as a steel trap for once they are locked away its exceedingly difficult to pull them from him against his will. Many people assume many things about his behavior, they use those assumptions to lead them into the false belief that they understand him, that they know him. Yet, time and time again he proves that those people who make such assumptions know nothing of him or the reasons behind his actions.


~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Undetermined

~¤~ Skills: Undergoing training.

~¤~ Combat: Undergoing training.

Elysium Aspect: He will feel as if she was one with the Elysium Planes/Fields

Elysium Senses: All his senses are heightened to their optimum state.

Elysium control: He is able to control the Elysium energy within him..  Only the energy within him.

~¤~ Weapons: Undergoing training.

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