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The beast in a gilded cage.
The mage hunter.
Killer of the crowned ones
Hunter of the hunters






















Age: 392

Life expectancy- Unclear. Little is known about void beasts.

Height: 7'2 on two feet 5'3 on fours

Weight: 327

Race: Void beast/abomination

Hair/scale color: Black skin with white exoskeleton

Owner- Princess Greyanna of Eladrin

Weapons- Can use weapons though prefers hand to hand combat.

Tail/Tentacles: tail can split apart into four tentacle-like appendages that can be used to stab opponents as well as an extensive means of mobility. Tails are prehensile. Each of the tentacles ends with a blade that can slash and pierce through Turboraptor's dense muscles.

Claws: main weapons of choice when fighting other Beasts.

Sharp Crests: also has blade-like crests protruding forward on her snout and lower jaw to stab opponent with at point-blank range.

Armor- A thick as a tank, but adjustable. Roughly as strong as titanium. (medieval standards you'd have better luck beating a door down with a spoon)

{Humanoid form}

Age: Appears early to late twenty's
Height: 5'6"
Weight: Whos asking?
Hair: Long white strands that some times seem to move.
Sentiancy: Fully capable of human understanding shows the likely hood for further understanding bordering on supernatural




Magic Nullification: Able to alter the flow of magic within a 15 foot radius of himself, this includes negation and recreation of magic and magical effects. Cannot cancel magics cast outside range and will not stop projectiles, magic or otherwise.

Blink - a form of teleportation. Max range 150 ft.(suggested for creature type)

Silence- Capable of casting the silence spell at max power, anything caught within the field is instantly silenced all forms of verbal communication are removed. Max range 30 yards. Attempting to speak while silenced caused pain and damage to vocal cords.

Size manipulation- Capable of altering its own size and items it touches. Up to (x) and as small as (x).

Armor manipulation- Able to alter the durability and composition of its armor at will. Takes time and concentration (a full turn) and can be interrupted if one can reach it in time.

Primordial consumption- Upon the killing of an enemy this creature may consume the flesh of its kill in order to varying degrees of success. ( must pass a roll to see what is gained. Likely d6. 1-2 health and restoration/regrowth of lost limbs or appendages. 3-4 gain an ability. 5-6 gain a stat boost. Stuff like that.)

Healing rate of 9- near instant healing from wounds that do not directly result in its death. (Removal of heart,brain,ect will result in creatures death and reappearance within the cage. Though its healing is extensive there are always ways around this.) Healing will stop bleeding and erase damage but will not regrow lost limbs or appendages. That takes time or primordial consumption.

Soul cage- This creature's soul is stored within a crystal within a gilded cage keeping it from attacking its owners.

Curse removal- able to remove curse from itself or up to one other person per day. Cannot be a blood curse that has been passed down through generations.




Fire- Pure fire not magically created or summoned into being. These flames must be naturally occurring and un tampered (ia. use a torch or a flame thrower. Natural fires being manipulated by others - ie pyromancers - are also dangerous.)

Gravity - being a creature from the void, gravity is not a natural state for the beast. So it is weakened by standard 1 g until it builds up a tolerance. The higher the gravity the more weak it becomes.

Removal of head or massive internal damage can "kill" the creature.

Weakness to intensely concentrated magic. Concentrated bursts of powerful magic (likely from multiple sources) is enough to do damage and possibly crack the armor. The fleshy bits are likely as stong as Kevlar making projectiles less effetive than bladed weapons.

Ps. there are more ways to kill her but if your to stupid to think then your to stupid to kill him. No immortal or god is truly so..everything must return to dust in the end.


The cage


Immune to all damage from any and all creatures living dead or gods. Within is housed the "Soul" of the beast who ever has the cage also has control of the creature.

Contract with the creature.

Once you have bought the cage you must then make a deal with the creature itself before it can be summoned. Every deal is different and no deal may be broken. Ownership of the creature may not be traded while a contract is in effect and any who try find themselves the target of the creature. Each contract is sealed with a mark upon contractee and the creature. Mark may be placed anywhere upon the creature inside or out. If the mark is destroyed so too is the creature resulting in its return to its cage.)

Ways to end the contract:

1) The creature finishes its deal


2) The contract holder (ie. You) is killed or incapable of holding up its end of the deal.

If a deal is broken or the one who made the deal dies the creature returns to its cage without understanding why.

Currently this creature is being sold on black market and trade routes.

Death of the creature- If killed the creature's soul is returned to the cage to await revival. (the cost of this can be anything from a simple healing spell up to the complete sacrifice of multiple other creatures. during this state no matter the flesh consumed the creature may not obtain any further mutations.)













The Update


Princess Greyanna of Eladrin accidently took the power of the cage unto herself, making the Princess now her cage, all contracts became null and void, her previous master torn apart and there are a new set of rules due to this new development.

The humanoid cage is both the cage and the handler, the handler has decided that Aelerea is free and doesn't have to do anything but be her friend, but Aelerea due to the magics that bind her to the cage now bind her to Greyanna... they are friends.. but Aelerea feels Greyannas emotions and physical state as Greyanna feels the emotions of Aelerea as well. How the magic works exactly between them is still a mystery as the cage has now become a living breathing entitiy that is the Princess.... but the ones who created it may come to either help them along or kill them, that also remains a mystery. More updates coming soon.

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