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My Characters

Name:Masaru Isamu
Gender: Male
Race: Kitsune
Tails: Three
Age: appears maybe20's
True age: Age...age? yea I forget sorry.
Love interest: My Wife Princess Aila Norrora of Eladrin
Children: Aya and Aimi (Twin Daughters, Mother is Princess Aila my wife.)
Title: Prince
Location: Eladrin
Religion: What a joke
Weight: 174
Hair: White as snow
Eyes: Red
Nature- Fire and Ice
Likes- Sweets, dried meats, swimming, playing, sleeping
Dislikes- Bullies, whiny people, yelling or screaming
Abilities -
Shape shift- Able to appear as he wishes when he wishes though tends to stick to a human appearance or a Fox appearance.
Trickster magic- magic designed to appear as one thing yet do a complete different.
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