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Name:: Former Lord - Artherias Duskwalker


Age:: Old enough whats it matter to the likes of you?


Race:: Demonic Fae (Fey'ri)


Hair:: Snow White


Eyes:: Red or Black


Height:: 6'2" normal form, close to 7 feet in demonic form


Weight:: Depends on what Form I am in


Love Interest: Lady Rosalyn Desrea(Fiancee)


Children:: Aerilaya Desrea Duskwalker (Daughter)

Pheralyn Desrea Duskwalker (Daughter)

Rathias Desrea Duskwalker (Son)

Carilaya Desrea Duskwalker (Daughter)


King/Queen:: Sister in law is Queen of Eladrin


~¤~ Abilities:


Absorb Elements: This puts a temporary defensive aura on its caster that provides resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage. This alone is a powerful effect, especially if used to absorb an effect like a dragon's breath weapon or a high level enemy spell.


Protection from Energy:  (Lasts the entire fight)  A similar spell to Absorb Elements, Protection From Energy provides a willing creature with resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage for up to an hour. While this spell doesn't have the same reaction speed of the aforementioned Absorb Elements, its duration its ability to target an ally make it quite useful. Resistance to a common damage type can mean the difference between life and death in an encounter, as it essentially doubles the amount of damage a character can take.



Globe of Invulnerability: Globe of Invulnerability is an excellent defensive spell to fend off enemy spell casters. It creates a barrier with a ten foot radius that lasts for up to a minute and completely blocks any spell of 5th level or lower from passing through. While this spell can't protect from dangerous higher level spells, it can fend off a great deal of potential magical threats from harming one's party. 



Mirror Image: Like the Shield spell, Mirror Image is a defensive spell that only benefits its caster. However, while Shield's benefit is brief and instantaneous, Mirror Image's benefit lasts for up to a minute. Mirror Image creates three illusory doubles of the caster. 



Zone of Truth:  Having good intel is essential for keeping a party safe. When getting information from defeated enemies, the characters can't ever really be certain they're being told accurate information.Zone of Truth comes in extremely handy in situations like this. Creatures inside the zone must make Charisma saving throws or be barred from telling lies. This can easily mean the difference between getting the drop on another group of enemies, or even a whole new faction, and being led into a deadly situation.



Fey Glamour:  Can change his appearance and allure at will.



Super Senses:  Advanced hearing, smell, taste, touch, sight, speed and agility.  Possesses superhuman strength and speed.  


Anti magic zone - An antimagic field suppresses any spell or magical effect used within, brought into, or cast into the area, but does not dispel it.


Magic barrier- You send a protective barrier around a willing creature within range. The barrier has 8d8 hit points. Any time the targeted creature would take damage, the barrier takes damage instead. While the barrier has more than 0 hit points, the targeted creature has a +1 bonus to armor class. If the damage reduces the barrier to 0 hit points, the creature takes the remaining damage and the spell ends.
The spell ends if you cast this spell on another creature while your barrier’s hit points still remain.


Anti-magic shell - This spell surrounds the caster with a 'shell of magic' that effectively negates all magic and magical spell effects (including magic items) within its area of effect. Thus, it blocks out magic, yet it also stops all usage within the shell as well! This also includes various special attacks such as breath, gaze or voice attacks.


Magic dispersal - You attempt to avoid an attack by transforming into a mass of small or tiny creatures such as crows, snakes or small birds for a few moments.  After you cast this spell the triggering attack has disadvantage.  If the attack misses you may teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see where you reappear from within the mass of creatures.

Dead magic area - He is the totem of death when it comes to magic.  Dead-magic zones were areas of anti-magic or null-magic that disabled enchantments or prevented spells from being maintained or cast.


Tomb of the envoy - When you spoke, you found that people really listened. You honed this skill, and soon you carried the voice of your people to distant lands. As a diplomat, you aligned yourself with the goals of your community or cause, and represented their interests abroad.
Some envoys maintain regular contact with their homeland, while others set out with long-term goals. Either way, you deliver your peoples’ message to the world at large, and negotiate agreements in their name. With dutiful persistence and tact, you may find yourself presented with unique opportunities not afforded to those less trustworthy.  


Magic eye - You create an invisible, magical eye within range that hovers in the air for the duration.  You mentally receive visual information from the eye, which has normal vision and darkvision out to 30 feet. The eye can look in every direction.
As an action, you can move the eye up to 30 feet in any direction. There is no limit to how far away from you the eye can move, but it can’t enter another plane of existence. A solid barrier blocks the eye’s movement, but the eye can pass through an opening as small as 1 inch in diameter.

Sense area- For the Duration, you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic in this way, you can use your Action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any.


Magic suppression- You attempt to suppress the functioning of a single magic item or soulmeld.
If you succeed on a caster level check against the item or soulmeld (against a DC of 11 + meldshaper level), the item or soulmeld loses all magical properties for the duration of the spell.
This is identical to the effect of a dispel magic spell targeted on an object, except for duration and your ability to invest essentia to improve your caster level check.


Mana burn - You create a magic ball of glowing energy and launch it at a creature that you can see within range. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d6 psychic damage and lose an unused 2nd level spell slot until it completes a long rest. If the target does not have any 2nd level spell slots remaining, it will lose a 1st level spell slot instead.  When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for every slot level above 2nd. Also, the unused spell slot lost by the target is equal to the spell slot used to cast the spell. If the target does not have an unused slot level of that level to lose, they will lose a spell slot of the next lower level, and so on, until they lose an unused spell slot. If the target does not have any unused spell slots of the appropriate level, the spell does nothing and ends.


Mana corruption - When casted the mana the enemy uses becomes corrupt or corroded.  It starts eating away at the enemies power supply so they can no longer cast against you.

Magic complement- Assisting allies against foes. If an ally casts against a foe for an attack you can boost their magic or compliment their magic by adding your magic into their spell for more effect against the enemy.


Gift of mana - Able to gift and share mana to an ally.

Gift of life - Able to heal an ally even if they are on the brink of death.


Runes of negation - This device negates the spell or spell-like function or functions of magic items. The wielder points the rune at the magic item, and a pale gray beam shoots forth to touch the target device, attacking as a ray (a ranged touch attack). The ray functions as a greater dispel magic spell, except it only affects magic items. To negate instantaneous effects from an item, the rune's wielder needs to have a readied action. The dispel check uses the runes' caster level (15th). The target item gets no saving throw, although the rod can't negate artifacts (even minor artifacts). A rune of negation can function three times per day.


Negative wave - You release a silent burst of negative energy from your body.
You can affect up to 1d6 hit dice worth of undead creatures per level (maximum 15d6).
Those closest to you are affected first; among equidistant undead creatures, weaker ones are affected first.The spell has one of two effects, which you select when you cast it.
Rebuked: The undead creatures cower as if in awe.
(Treat them as stunned).The effect lasts 10 rounds.
Bolstered: Undead creatures gain turn resistance of 1d4 plus your Charisma modifier (minimum +1).The effect lasts 10 rounds.


Clairvoyance - You create an Invisible sensor within range in a Location familiar to you (a place you have visited or seen before) or in an obvious Location that is unfamiliar to you (such as behind a door, around a corner, or in a grove of trees). The sensor remains in place for the Duration, and it can't be attacked or otherwise interacted with.
When you cast the spell, you choose seeing or hearing. You can use the chosen sense through the sensor as if you were in its space. As your Action, you can switch between seeing and hearing. from see Invisibility or truesight) sees a luminous, intangible orb about the size of your fist.


Omnipresence -  is the property of being present everywhere, whenever and nowhere at the same time, referring to an unbounded presence. The ability lets you be everywhere at once, that is, at every point in the realm during a given instant. 

Gate of damnation - The character sends his or her foe to hell. If the character succeeds at a melee touch attack, the target must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = the standard epic spell DC + 15). If he or she fails this saving throw, he or she is sent straight to a layer of a lawful evil plane (or a chaotic evil plane, at the character’s option) swarming with fiends. The subject will not willingly leave the plane for 20 hours, believing that his or her predicament is a just reward for an ill-spent life. Even after the compulsion fades, he or she must devise his or her own escape from the plane. Unless the GM devises a specific location and scenario in the Nine Hells, the subject encounters a group of 1d4 pit fiends (or balors, if in a chaotic evil plane) every hour he or she spends in hell.


Demonic/angelic resistance - Has resistance against angelic or demonic energies casted against him

Magic adaptation - your study into the arcane arts of adaptation enables you to react quickly and with potency. Whenever you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to lay a barrier of thick arcane energy across your skin, reducing the damage you take from the attack by 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier.


Magic imbuement - Grants the gift of magic to another individual capable of receiving it.  You transfer some of your currently prepared spells, and the ability to cast them, to another creature. Only a creature with an Intelligence score of at least 5 and a Wisdom score of at least 9 can receive this bestowal. Only cleric spells from the schools of abjuration, divination, or spells that grant healing can be transferred. The number and level of spells that the subject can be granted depends on its Hit Dice; even multiple castings of Imbue With Spell Ability can’t exceed this limit.


 An outpost on the very fringes of the kingdom were those exiled or other wise unneeded seemed to find themselves, or were passing travelers always seemed to pass through the small out post had very few residents but even with so few the place was remarkably well kept all the buildings seemed brand new all of the walls, towers, and even the small fort set into the mountain side all seemed freshly build.


He had moved his group out of range of the castle but weeks ago with the threat of vampires, undead, and the possibility of the group being discovered they had moved and set up a small town using it to gather information and an understanding of the land and kingdom.


Sitting back in a stool he would balance it upon two legs one hand out stretched to keep balance while the other held a mug of ale A grin on his lips as he watched the group of men and women laughing and enjoying themselves even though each seemed to give the lone male a wide birth. Pale red hues fallowed the group with a warm smile before turning to his mug and to the maps laid out upon the table.


"So long as we were not discovered on our exit of the forests I see no reason to worry about the kingdom coming this way....the land is near berran and the only thing beyond these mountain's is another kingdom that I doubt they trade with at all unless it is by sea..."


Nodding he would smirk "Then this will be home for now we can set up everything we need and with the gardens and live stock kept safe and shelters going up for all of us we should be more then fine and out of the reach of petty nobles and their ignorant pets..."


Shaking his head the chair would come down on all fours as he came leaning forward four green orbs of flame flicking around him as he did so. "You all could have returned yet came with me knowing it would spell trouble for you all...I am thankfull...."


During all of this is where he met Lady Rosalyn.  A beautiful woman who intrigued him, peaked his interest and absent mindedly made him persue her with her whitty comebacks that even made his own people snicker at him.  Lady Rosalyn at one point ended up in the clutches of the Demon of Deception.  A nasty demon who liked pretty things... and thought she was pretty too.  Arathias bargained with him explaining she was his...lying of course he was able to free her and brought her to his home due to her injuries of trying to escape.  That night they ended up making love and Lady Rosalyn disappeared the next morning.



The next couple of days Arathias followed her back to her home in Eladrin when chaos was ensuing.  They had an influx of Blight and something called the dark one he wanted to make sure she was alright.  She got angered with him because he put a spell on her... a tracking spell without her knowledge.  They spoke, argued, kissed, made love again and this time... not only did he ask her to be his... but this second union provided them with a child.  A soon to be daughter.


To be continued....



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