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Full name: - Lady Guinevere Sazarian Dracos Amaranth Emperious Wyldeheart First of the void, Eldest sister of Damien Darkheart, King of the Wylde plains, Ruler of the Hidden Realm, First fallen of our family, first outcast,Wielder of the light sworn sword...Holder of the staff of hell and last of my own blood line
P.s. Never make me say it all please...
Alias / Nicknames: - Guinevere Ginny Wolfe, .
Gender: - Primarily male, but due to her ties to the Blackheart family, she is able to change gender, or even remove her gender completely.
Race: - Their race has no known name to the mortal language, other than simply the Old Ones. she is older than even creation itself.
Sub-Race: - Elemental God
Birth Date: - unknown, due to her ability to heal, as well as her ability to look any age she so desires.
Age: - she was there at the start of creation, and just like her brother Damien, she will be there to lock up the universe, when it all finally comes to an end.
Descendant of: - no one and none

Current Residence: - Drifter / Wanderer, though enjoys staying in Eladrin.
Job / Profession: - N/A
Title: - Refuses to acknowledge any of them she might have.
Allegiance - Herself Alignment - Chaotic Neutral Clan: - Blackhearts / Wyldeheart.

Height: - 6'2
Weight: - 234
Build: - Athletic/muscular
Eye Color: - One gold one frost blue may change with alteration of form.
Hair Color: - Red
Handedness: - right handed
Skin Tone / Color: - tanned
Scars / Tattoos / Piercings: - After being re-born, she no longer has the scars she once had. Her flesh is no longer marked with the past.

Sexual Preference: - Anyone who catches her desire
Sanity: - O.o what in the nine hell's is that?
Smoker: - xxx (Devil Weed)
Gambler: - Occasional
Drinker: - xxxx (Red Skull)
Drug Use: - xx (Devil Weed)

• Red Skull. Alcohol that is only brewed among celestial and demonic settings. Effect on him is a euphoric bliss, but this too, varies with potency. No withdrawal effects.
• Devil Weed. A plant that only grows in the darkest regions of Hell. Effect on her is a calm, relaxing state of mind. Withdrawal of this for weeks at a time causes mild panic, and mild paranoia.

Fears/Phobias: the thought of having her curses back
Allergies: - N/A
Physical Ailments / Disabilities / Illnesses: - N/A

Personality: - It's best to just play with this character and find out, due to how complex, and complicated her personality can be.

Weapons: All are Obsidian
• Spear
• Sword
• Bow
• Dagger's

Accessories: N/A at moment

Combat Attire: - what ever he is wearing at the time
Miscellaneous: - N/A

Extra Hidden Things
• Holder of Damien Blackhearts soul.
• holder of the staff of hell (given willingly by Damien blackheart)

General / Preferred Strategy: - Mental warfare though may very
Hand-to-Hand: -
Weapons Style: - Spear/Shield
Special Abilities / Affinities: -

-Spear of the heaven's I Forced into a corner she may use this ability. Causes blindness deafness lack of taste feeling and any magical since's. Does not cause harm to the target save for those listed.
-Full elemental control-
-divine intervention

Soul Magic: - xxxx
Rune Magic: - xxxxxxx
Elemental Magic: - xxxxxxx
Psychic Magic: - xxxx
Conjuring Magic: - xxxxx
Enchantment Magic: - xxxxxx
Space/Time Magic: - xxxxxxx
Arcane Magic: - xxxxx
Healing Magic: - xxxxxxx

Relationship Status: - Taken


Mate:- Cain Valeneros


Children:- Allison Wylde Valeneros (Daughter)

Tylar Wylde Valeneros (Son)

Rayden Wylde Valeneros (Son)

Sera Wylde Valeneros (Daughter)

Gweneviere Wylde Valeneros (Daughter)

Siblings - A few

Nieces/Nephews - Too many

Personal History/Background: - Once she and her had left the family altering their blood and very essence so that they might live among mortal like beings to learn and witness to understand what it was to be these creature's. Decades of this life had resulted in all but one dying Ginnera the last of her side of the family the final in her line cursed beyond recognition she finally gave into the need to return to the family something many of her blood line had fought with through out all of their life times and rebirths many giving into their disrepair resulting in their own self destruction letting themselves flow into the land never to return to any living form. Ginera how ever continued on not through a desire to live or continue existence but an utter relentless desire to find her kin once more. Once she had how ever she found herself saddened for she realized just how long she had been cursed how long it had been since last she had family, in the end she gave in her desire to once more have family drove her to ask her younger brother to Resurrect her with the old blood....


Because she is re-born as a member of the Blackheart family, she cannot fully die. The body is able to be hurt, and he can feel pain as any normal living being can, but if she is near death's door, her body will transform itself into a dark cloud a jolt of blue and purple lightning then retreating into a safe holding space for her soul, while her body can be brought back into the world again.

This soul-space, if damaged, shattered, or even broken open, will result in a premature return, where the soul inside will be brought into the world as a child again, until the body properly repairs itself. If the soul-space is allowed to remain intact during the entire healing, the soul inside can be brought into the world at any age it desires itself to be.

P.S. As this character's typist i will do with him as I please. If you try and force me into something, I'll simply ignore you and leave. I have no time for fighting, arguing, or drama. This character has finally achieved a stable body to have, but even then, it may still constantly change if I so wish it.

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