~¤~ Other Names - Rayden Cazarian Wylde Valeneros
~¤~ Character Type: Elven Hybrid /Wylde
~¤~ Year of Birth: Unknow
~¤~ Actual Age: 90
~¤~ Gender: Male
~¤~ Parents: (Birth Father) Cain Valeneros(Blood
Elf/High Elf)
(Birth Mother) Guen Cazarian Wylde (Wylde)
~¤~ Other Family: The list is too long to type at the moment find out in rp....
~¤~ Marital Status: Single
~¤~ Spouse: None
~¤~ Love Interest: None at the moment...
~¤~ Ethnicity: Elvish God (Wylde)
~¤~ Skin Tone: Sun kissed
~¤~ Hair Type/Color: Fiery red and long.
~¤~ Eyes: Interchange different colors
~¤~ Height: 6'3"
~¤~ Weight: 230 pounds
~¤~ Body Type: Atheletic, toned frame.
~¤~ Voice/Accent: Deep male voice with elvish undertones
~¤~ Identifying Marks: N/A
~¤~ Dress Style: Eladrin Nobility or Ranger Style
~¤~ Personality Traits: Calculating, tactical, intelligent,
~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Straight?
~¤~ Languages: Common/Elvish
~¤~ Skills and Combat: (Work in Progress)
~¤~ Favorite Quote: Coming Soon.
Backstory coming soon.
(More to come as story progresses)
~*~ UPDATES ~*~