~¤~ Other Names: Cain...
~¤~ Character Type: Elven Hybrid/Dragon Hybrid
~¤~ Actual Age: ??
~¤~ Gender: Male
~¤~ Parents: (Father) Tylan Valeneros
(Mother) Izzy of the Triskellion
~¤~ Other Family: The list is too long to type at the moment find out in rp....
~¤~ Marital Status: Married
~¤~ Spouse: Guen Wylde
~¤~ Children: Allison Wylde Valeneros
Tylar Wylde Valeneros
Rayden Wylde Valeneros
Sera Wylde Valeneros
Gweneviere Wylde Valeneros
Skills: Bluff, Climb, Craft (Bowyer), Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Profession (Tracker), Ride, Search, Spell craft, Spot, Survival, Swim , Tumble
Languages: Common, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Drow and Sylvan.
Spell Craft in depth: Arcane Torrent: Silence all enemies within 8 yards for 2 sec and restores 3% of his energy
Arcane Acuity: Increases critical strike chance by 10%.
Arcane Affinity: Enchanting skill increased by 40%.
Arcane Resistance: Reduces Arcane damage taken by 30%.
Fey Ancestry: He has advantage against being Charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.
Swift Quiver: He transmutes his quiver so it produces an endless supply of non-magical ammunition, which seems to leap into his hand when he reaches for it.
Nondetection: For the 10 hour duration, he can hide a target that he touches from divination magic. The target can be a willing creature or a place or an object no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. The target can’t be targeted by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.
Hunter's Mark: Can mark a target within vision range so he never misses with a weapons attack.
5th level fire wielder: Taking after his grandfather and his mother he can wield fire to his will, a bit more advanced than his father due to his lineage, does not control the fire realm itself, but he could wield it on this plane to his advantage.
Feats: Favored enemy (trolls, Orcs, Goblins), Track, Wild Empathy, Archery, Endurance, Favored Terrain (Forest, Mountains), Animal Companion, Swift Tracker, Woodland Stride, Improved Combat Style, Self-Sufficient, Evasion, Trap finding, Camouflage, Uncanny Dodge
Weapons: dual-wielding long sword, Recurve bow (composite), Daggers
Armor: +3 Studded Leather (Camouflage)
~¤~ Skin Tone: Sun kissed
~¤~ Hair Type/Color: Fire red
~¤~ Eyes: Striking White
~¤~ Height:Full height will be about 6'5"
~¤~ Weight: Full weight will be 237 pounds
~¤~ Body Type: Athletic/Acrobatic build
~¤~ Voice/Accent: Elvish
~¤~ Identifying Marks: N/A
~¤~ Dress Style:
~¤~ Personality Traits:
~¤~ Sexual Orientation: To be determined