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Name:: Taray Nolatari

Nick Name:: Taray

Age:: 18

Occupation:: Vampire Slayer / Tavern Worker

Hair Color:: Red

Eye Color::  Grey

Height:: 5'4"

Weight:: 115 pounds

Race:: Human

Powers:: None

Abilities:: Skilled at tracking, with blades and blunt objects, is very adgile, can leap very high and is very acrobatic and fast.

Weapons:: Stakes, two short swords, schimtars, holy water, boddice dagger, four inch steel blessed hair pins and one waist cross bow

Family:: Deceased

Friends:: None



This eighteen year old girl had been training as a child by her father to become a Vampire Slayer.  Her father Demetrius had taught her the ways of a vampire slayer for nine years and she became quite good at it.  After her fathers murder at age fourteen by a Toreador she became very quiet and still to this day doesnt converse much with many around the area.  She never got a chance to know her mother so she was a bit manly in her mannerisms but her father when he was alive did try and teach her to the best of his ability to act like a lady in public....which she does on most occasions.  But once and a while when things get too crowded and she panics, her temper and what not gets the best of her.  For the Last two years of her life since her fathers death she has been living in a Monestary who took her in giving her food, Shelter and supplies.  But they took her in not only because she was a child,  but because she had a gift, she was a very skilled and trained fighter and could fight off the evil that has been plagueing them for centuries....the Nosferatu.  So she gets sent out from place to place hunting for these Vampires one by one ridding the world of these creatures so that everyone may live in peace again in the name of her father. 
She currently works in a local tavern near you serving drinks and earning money for herself and the monestary so she may have more and better supplies for her quests.  Though she is still very quiet and doesnt converse with many of the patrons,  She still serves them  their drinks with a smile and does it with the best of her abilities trying to be a so called lady like her father taught her to be while trying to keep her rage in check.

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