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Sardan Valeneros


(Declared Deceased)

Home: Kingdom of Eladrin 

Job: Mercenary


Blood Elf : 6 ft 5 in; 250 lb

Age: 137

Fiery Red hair

Crystal blue lake eyes

Build: Very strong, wrestler-build, brown skin


Love Interest: No one

Children: None




hp: 121

Str: 18 +4

Dex: 18 +4

Con: 15 +2

Int: 15 +2

Wis: 17 +3

Cha: 17 +3

Al: CN

Attack: +15/+10/+5

Fort: +6

Ref: +12

Will: +6

Class: Fireblade (20)


Special Abilities: BLS: 30'; Dark Vision 60'; Fast Healing 1hp/rnd; Blood Drink pint of blood= 1D6 HP Heal


Skills: Balance(+6), Bluff(+6), Climb(+6), Disguise(+6), Escape Artist(+7), Gather Information(+6), Heal(+7), Hide(+7), Intimidate(+7), Jump(+6), Knowledge (The Planes(+7)), Knowledge (Arcane(+7)), Listen(+6), Move Silently(+6), Open Lock(+6), Perform (Handle Fire(+6)), Search(+6), Sense Motive(+6), Sleight of Hand(+6), Spellcraft(+6), Spot(+6), Tumble(+6), Use Rope(+6)

Languages: Elven (Blood dialect), Elven, Common, Draconic, Orcish, Goblin, Gnoll, Giant, Undercommon


Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus: Scimitar, Absorb Essence, Fire Boost, Swift Action Fire Door, Fiery Jaunt, Fire Resistance 20, Immunity to Fire, Fire Door 160 ft, Summon Fire Elemental Monolith




Various blades hidden on his person

Sardan was the bastard son of Lucien Valeneros.  He came to Eladrin a killer, he killed for blood, he killed for fun.  Lucien found him and hid him in Valeneros Cabin away from the population.  He did not like the Queen, he did not like his stepmother, the only sibling he liked was Thraele, the rest they could die for all he cared, because they did not care to understand him and where he came from.  All the killing, everything he did, it was taught, and he had a short temper and not much sense of humor to most, to him, he had a great sense of humor, a bit morbid, but most narcissist think highly of themselves.

It was then he decided he could do a better job than the Queen and he was going to start offing people.  He studied under his father for his own malicious purposes of deciding he was the Queens brother he should rule not her.  He was the man and he was older than Tylan.  So when the plot was found he was killed, Another enemy of the kingdom taken out to keep the peace so he couldn't kill whomever he pleased.  Lucien was not happy of course and after some strain he ended up getting over it, and they were fine until he died during the wars.  





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