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Lucien Valeneros


(Declared Deceased)

Home: Kingdom of Eladrin 

Job: Senechal/General of Eladrin (King)


Blood Elf : 6 ft 5 in; 260 lb

Age: 554

Fiery Red hair

Crystal blue lake eyes

Build: Very strong, wrestler-build, brown skin


Love Interest: Married to Lady Nimena Blackheart-Numenesse-Valeneros

Children: Tylan Valeneros - Son, Gisselle Valeneros Vresslve- Daughter, Thraele Vandree Valeneros - Daughter, Elera Valeneros - Daughter




hp: 121

Str: 18 +4

Dex: 18 +4

Con: 15 +2

Int: 15 +2

Wis: 17 +3

Cha: 17 +3

Al: CN

Attack: +15/+10/+5

Fort: +6

Ref: +12

Will: +6

Class: Fireblade (20)


Special Abilities: BLS: 30'; Dark Vision 60'; Fast Healing 1hp/rnd; Blood Drink pint of blood= 1D6 HP Heal


Skills: Balance(+6), Bluff(+6), Climb(+6), Disguise(+6), Escape Artist(+7), Gather Information(+6), Heal(+7), Hide(+7), Intimidate(+7), Jump(+6), Knowledge (The Planes(+7)), Knowledge (Arcane(+7)), Listen(+6), Move Silently(+6), Open Lock(+6), Perform (Handle Fire(+6)), Search(+6), Sense Motive(+6), Sleight of Hand(+6), Spellcraft(+6), Spot(+6), Tumble(+6), Use Rope(+6)

Languages: Elven (Blood dialect), Elven, Common, Draconic, Orcish, Goblin, Gnoll, Giant, Undercommon


Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus: Scimitar, Absorb Essence, Fire Boost, Swift Action Fire Door, Fiery Jaunt, Fire Resistance 20, Immunity to Fire, Fire Door 160 ft, Summon Fire Elemental Monolith




5 Shuriken




Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day's trail ration. bedroll, sack, flint and steel, and three torches.

Gold: 72gp 5sp.


Lucien was a soldier in the Kingdom of Eladrin during King William and Queen Sera Xenoscient's reign. Lucien had an affair with the Noble Lady Arafina Ronorian behind Sarkas Eldithas's back. Lady Arafina ended with child after she and Lucien's affair and when Arafina was told by Lucien that he had to return to war to defeat the Drow she held back from him that she was with child. So he went on not knowing he was having a daughter. Sarkas was angry, did not want Arafina to have Gisselle, when she was born he would call her Orc bait and literally wanted to feed her to the Orcs until Arafina ordered Sarkas to tutor her child. After time he started to grow fond of Gisselle not telling her she was partially a blood elf. He lead her to believe that she was like her mother a high elf and that he was her new father since Gisselle never got to know her real father.

It took Lucien almost a hundred years through rumor that he had a daughter named Gisselle and ended up being Princess of the Eladrin Kingdom which boiled his blood that she was kept from him, she being his only daughter he was aware of, he could have more, he has slept with quite a few over the years. He did have a son that he had left with his mother because he was better off, his son was named Tylan, the elder half brother to Gisselle, also with flaming red hair.

Through a few years he had been captured by the Drow that he had fought so hard to get rid of only to be sold top side to a particular merchant who would have tried to use him as a slave... Till Lucien killed him. Running for his life he ended up in the Misty Mountains and wondering for far too long with nearly no food or water till a dragon of Golden coloring found him upon the side of a goats trail. Scooping him up and taking him to the hidden Village where he was taken care of till he was able to take care of himself and find out what happened by merchants what happened to Eladrin and those living there. He finally made a decision to leave from the hidden Valley with one of those said merchants and finally... finally...

Now Married to Nimena Numenesse and having a daughter Elera to add to his collection of beautiful children shit started to hit the fan when it was finally going good. The Illithid wars were out of hand many years ago, He ended up trapped in the Underdark once again by that Vandree wench for almost seven years. Finally able to escape again....hopefully this time with no more children (though rumor of another son may be emerging) He is making his way back to his home where there are big surprises in store for much has missed in the better part of a decade, and now missing the childhood of another beautiful daughter.


Spells Known

0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5


Fireblade spells:

0—Dancing Lights, Flare, Continual Flame, Orb of Fire, Lesser.


1st—Burning Hands, Fiery Eyes, Melt, Blades of Fire, Produce Flame, Endure Elements, Kelgore's Fire Bolt.


2nd—Animate Fire, Fire Shuriken, Pyrotechnics, Fireball, Scorching Ray, Flame Blade.


3rd—Fire Wings, Fireburst, Flaming Sphere, Lightning Bolt, Summon Monster III(Fire Elemental).


4th—Fire Shield, Wall of Fire, Blast of Flame, Orb of Fire, Firestride Exhalation, Channeled Pyroburst, Incendiary Surge, Summon Monster IV(Fire Elemental).


5th—Fire Breath, Fireburst, Greater, Fire Shield, Mass, Flame Strike (Chaotic damage instead of Divine), Fire and Brimstone, Heart of Fire, Wall of Magma, Summon Monster V(Fire Elemental).


6th— Haze of Smoldering Stone, Summon Monster VI(Fire Elemental), CometFall, Dragonshape, Lesser, Energy Immunity (Fire), Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Lingering Flames.


7th—Firestorm, Delayed Blast Fireball, Summon Monster VII(Fire Elemental).


8th—Incendiary Cloud, Internal Fire, Deadly Lanar, Summon Monster VIII(Fire Elemental).


9th— Elemental Swarm, Meteor Swarm, Detonate, Erupt, Transmute Rock to Lava, Summon Monster IX(Fire Elemental),Summon Elemental Monolith.

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