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Name: Xavier


Race: Angel


Parents: Sivella and Joel (in reality, his parents are Jericho and Joel, for they created the very vessel he was born from, this is why he looks so strikingly similar to the Lead Guardian known as Jericho.)


Siblings: Ayden and Mylena, Triplets. Xavier is older by a few minutes than Aiden, and Mylena is the youngest out of the three.


Racial Traits


Personality:  Strong willed and fearless.  Has a sense of being worldly or knowing it all with a high sense of intelligence.  Extremely charasmatic and caring but if he feels he is right and you are in the wrong, he is not one who will back down willingly from argument or fight.

Combat:  Unfortunately Xavier loves battle.  If there is a battle to be fought he will go infront of the infantry if he has to in order to steal the glory of the win.  Is very tactical and competitive in battle of any kind.  By parrying with their flaming sword, Xavier could deflect missiles and hurled weapons and counter rays and other spells that targeted him alone, even ones that were unavoidable, like magic missile. However, they had to be aware of an incoming attack to deflect it, and they could not deflect two simultaneous strikes.



Polymorph self: The caster could polymorph into the shape of any creature in size from a wren to a hippopotamus, while his or her mind would stay unchanged. He or she would gain any movement and respiration abilities of the new body, like flight in bird shape, or swimming and breathing water in the body of a fish, but not special abilities like a poisonous bite when transformed into a viper. For the duration of the spell, shape could be changed multiple times. If the caster changed back to his or her own body before the spell ended, some wounds would be healed in the transformation.


Calm Nature: With the soothing presence of nature itself, he had a calm nature that creatures of the natural world invariably found pleasing. No animal or plant would willingly attack him, not unless compelled by magic. It seemed he could not even be harmed by plant life. However, reptiles and similar creatures, and monstrous creatures, could attack him freely.

Cause: Remove blindness or deafness was a conjuration spell similar to older cure blindness and cure blindness or deafness which were abjuration spells that could restore sight or hearing in some cases.


Neutralize Poison: Neutralize poison is a spell that could detoxify one poisonous weapon, poisonous object, a venom-carrying creature, or a victim of poisoning.


Anitmagic Field:  also known as anti-magic shell, is an abjuration spell that nullifies all magic within a sphere.


Protection from Arrows: also known as protection from normal missiles and originally called M'dhal's missile shield, is a simple abjuration spell that defends against ranged weapon attacks.


Spell Turning: is a spell that could turn other spells back onto their caster.


Atonement: is an abjuration spell that could restore status, alignment, or abilities to a being who suffered a loss due to misdeeds against their deity or alignment.


Bless Weapon: is a transmutation spell that grants a weapon a temporary holy aura.


Consecrate: blessed an area, infusing it with positive energy.


Cure Serious wounds: This spell works the same as cure light wounds, except that it heals a significant amount of damage.


Daylight: is an evocation spell that caused an object to give off light, making the illuminated area as bright as a clear day.


Death Ward: is a magical quality that could be applied to armor to protect its wearer from death magic.


Ethereal Jaunt: The caster and all their possessions turned ethereal, becoming insubstantial and invisible in the Material Plane. They could pass through solid things and living creatures alike, and were thus immune to material attacks. They remained vulnerable to force-related spells and effects like magic missile and wall of force, to abjurations, and to certain other attacks and powers, which had effects extending from the Material Plane onto the Ethereal Plane, but the reverse was not true. The caster could not affect material creatures, and their spells could only affect other ethereal creatures, which they could not interact with physically.


Hallow: From the point touched by the caster, the hallow spell covered an area 40 feet (12.2 meters) in radius, enabling it to encompass a building, structure, or other location. Only one hallow could be placed on the area, but it was permanent. It countered unhallow, but could not dispel it. Hallow had four distinct effects within that area.

First, the hallowed area was warded by a magic circle against evil.

Second, all efforts by a cleric in the hallowed area to turn undead through force of charisma were bolstered by the sacred power of the place. In turn, efforts to command undead in the same manner were hampered. This benefit did not arise for a druid casting hallow.

Third, any corpse interred in the hallowed area could not be raised as undead.


Height: 6’2”


Weight: 220 lbs.


Age: Looks to be around 26, but in actuality, he will always be younger than he looks, as his growth rate was rapid, officially, Xavier is only a few months old right now.


Quirks: Being an angel with a soul, he has a all of the powers of an angel. He does not need to eat after he passed the child stage. He finds learning and using magic of all sorts to come very naturally to him. He can learn and successfully use any Angelic abilities as well as his predecessors...


More to come?


Story: Aiden is an angel who experienced a natural birth, this gave him certain traits that purebred angels don’t have. He has a soul. He was born of divine origin, as his true parents are Jericho and Joel, the two angels had worked together to create the vessel that housed their fetuses. The vessel was, of course, occupied by the woman he will always consider his mother. Sivella. He shares no genetic information with her, because she had none to give due to the fact that she had been dead by all rights, and was merely occupying the vessel that gave birth to him.


More to come...

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