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Name: Mylena


Race: Angel 


Parents: Sivella and Joel (in reality, her parents are Jericho and Joel, for they created the very vessel she was born from.)


Siblings: Xavier and Ayden


Racial Traits


Personality and Combat:  Mylena has a large array of powerful spell-like abilities at her disposal and is extremely resilient to magical attacks. They can also stun foes that they hit multiple times in combat with their maces.  She would knowingly deal peaceably with evil beings, but those of non-lawful bent sometimes dealt with neutral beings.  Reacting swiftly, Mylena enters melee without hesitation or fear, and is ferocious and joyous in fighting evil creatures. She attacks with pure power and cleavs through the ranks of her enemies. She wields her maces with finesse.

Two blows from her in quick succession could leave a foe stunned senseless for a brief period. Alert to danger, she is never surprised and could react to defend herself from even unexpected attacks.



Blade Barrier: an evocation spell that summoned a wall of spinning, razor-sharp blades of force.


Dispell Illusion: When cast, the spell instantly dismissed any illusion or phantasm created by another wizard of a different school of magic. If the wizard was a practitioner of the same school as the caster, the spell was identical to the dispel magic spell.


Polymorph Self: an arcane alteration spell that allowed the caster to transform his body into another creature's.


Remove Curse: also known as remove affliction, was an abjuration spell that could permanently eliminate all curses on an object or a creature, or in some instances, banish an evil presence. The reverse of this spell was bestow curse.


See Invisibility: see invisibility, or detect invisibility, was a divination spell that allowed the caster to see invisible or ethereal creatures and objects.


Cure Light Wounds: a conjuration or evocation spell that healed minor injuries. After the Second Sundering it was simply called cure wounds.


Dispel Evil: an abjuration spell that protected the caster from evil attacks, could banish summoned evil creatures, or dispel enchantments cast by evil spellcasters. The reverse of this spell, dispel good, had the same effects on good attacks, creatures, and enchantments.


Dispel Magic: a abjuration spell that could negate magic on a creature or object (including potions), or interfere with casting spells and the use of spell-like abilities.


Holy Aura:  an abjuration spell that granted protection against evil.


Holy Word:  an evocation or conjuration spell that could incapacitate or even kill nongood creatures and banish those of extraplanar origin. The reverse of this spell, which applied to nonevil creatures, was called unholy word and became better known as blasphemy.


Invisibility: a spell that caused the target to become invisible for a period of time. The caster would immediately be revealed upon attacking another person or creature.


Psionic Blast: a psionic power of the telepathy discipline that stunned a foe's mind. It was sometimes called mind blast, and quite dreaded by non-psionic beings.


Mind Thrust: a psionic power of the telepathy discipline that assaulted a foe's mind.


Ego Whip: a psionic power of the telepathy discipline that assaulted a foe's ego.


Mind Blank: a psionic devotion of the telepathy discipline that allowed the psionicist to hide their mind from psionic attacks.


Thought Shield: a psionic devotion of the telepathy discipline that allowed the psionicist to create a glowing shield that repelled psionic attacks.


Mental Barrier: a psionic devotion of the telepathy discipline that allowed the psionicist to protect their mind with a wall of thought.




Height: 5’5”


Weight: 115 lbs


Age: Looks to be around 24 when fully grown, though she is much younger than she appears. She and her siblings grew at such a rapid pace, that it becomes hard to determine their exact age after so much time has passed


Quirks: Being an angel with a soul, she has a all of the powers of an angel. She does not need to eat after he passed the child stage. She finds learning and using magic of all sorts to come very naturally to her. She can learn and successfully use any Angelic abilities as well as her predecessors...


More to come?


Story: Mylena is an angel who experienced a natural birth, this gave her certain traits that purebred angels don’t have. She has a soul. She was born of divine origin, as her true parents are Jericho and Joel, the two angels had worked together to create the vessel that housed their fetuses. The vessel was, of course, occupied by the woman she will always consider her mother. Sivella. She shares no genetic information with her, because she had none to give due to the fact that she had been dead by all rights, and was merely occupying the vessel that gave birth to her.


More to come...

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