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Sivella was born in Eladrin about three hundred years ago to a noble family in the Elven Kingdom. She choose to be a Lady in waiting to the upcoming Queen due to having much respect and admiration towards the princess at the time for all she had to endure in the past and still able to stay kind and caring among her people and friends. For a little over a hundred years the princess at the time became her good friend until.....they were ripped from each other by forces beyond their control.

A stranger entered Eladrin, A vampire named Valestat with his Angelic companion Joel.  Vale became enamoured with Sivella, her kindness, her beauty, and Sivella in turn felt the same way about Vale, but she made Vale promise not to turn her because she wished to stay and serve the Queen of Eladrin as her Lady in waiting. Vale agreed and they had a wonderful relationship, she was able to love Vale and stay as the Queens Lady in waiting, till an enemy of Vale's past came to haunt them both, Sivella simply for caring for the wrong person in this evil bastards eyes.

Yaksha arrived in Eladrin shortly after Valestat and was there to kill him for reasons unknown, the two had a past nearly as long as time itself, mortal enemies from the start. Yaksha decided to kill Vale's emotions then his life and stole Sivella siring her as his own and trying to take her for his. Sivella changed into a vampire but never lost her emotions for Vale and ended up attacking Yaksha to escape and find Vale, but she feared returning to Eladrin to Gisselle fearing Gisselle would no longer want her around for what she had become and she couldn't blame her. Plus her thirst at the time was so strong that she couldn't stop feeding due to Yaksha's violent nature surrounding her psyche.

Valestat found her along with Joel, Joel hired help from above to try and calm her instincts a bit. Things were doing fine for a little while, she was gaining control, was able to serve the Queen and so far leading a productive life in Eladrin for what she was, instead of waiting on her in the day she would protect her at night. She was fine with it, at least she was able to keep her friend and that was very important to her. But fate separated her once again from those she cared for.

A dark past of Gisselle's came to haunt Sivella again because she was a pawn in someone else's life, being snatched by the Unseelie Fae Caratis who was turned down by her friend Gisselle in marriage, casted a spell on a dead farmer to make him look exactly like her chopping off his head and sending it to her beloved Queen making Gisselle think she was dead while keeping her locked up so she would never be rescued. Spending what seemed like centuries in a white plain of nothing getting fed very little and able to do nothing Caratis for some reason had a change of heart, maybe he felt bad, maybe he wanted to torture Gisselle's emotions once more by showing she was alive all this time, no one knows, but she was transferred back to the outskirts of Eladrin forest for the last few days getting lost among the trees and feeding on the animals within scared to go back to the castle because she doesn't know what she will find when she returns home, or if she would be welcomed at all. If she wasn't, she couldn't blame anyone but herself for failing in her duties as a guardian, how could she guard if she couldn't even stop herself against an Unseelie Fae.

She was living in the forest for quite a few days, looking disheveled, feeding off the animals in the land, sleeping in a cave, till the Eladrin guards had found her looking for the vampire that was killing off the forestry. Joel and Vale found her that night also and returned her home where Gisselle, Vale, Joel and others are trying to help her regain her memory from the past and speak properly. Being in the sensory depravation chamber for so long she had lost how to get out her feelings with words or actions due to the fact of not having any contact of any kind with anyone for so long. Caratis was a name she feared and because Joel and Vale rescued her and curved her hunger her sire Yaksha had released her as her master and abandoned her as her sire. Depression of failing had settled in and now she is trying to struggle to regain her life back.


It was a struggle indeed.  She tried and tried and couldn't quite grasp a handle on things.  It got so bad at one point Vale and Joel had left on some sort of quest and Sivella ended up almost attacking the Queen because the Queen cut her finger and Sivella smelled her blood.  Gisselles father Lucien had enough of this and decided she was a danger to the Queen and others around her.  The best thing for her was death, she would never have an unevil life.  So the Senechel of Eladrin cut off her head and burned her body so she could never return.

Or so she thought.....



She had been dead for over fifty years as if she was a blip in everyones mind.  Someone who existed for a brief moment that was a first love for one and left behind no decendants making her a fragment of past for most. That was until Yasha tried to return.  Again returning to hurt Valestat.  Valestat had returned and by this time had two children and was doing well for himself.



Yaksha had returned Sivella to the land of the living as a ghoul with some strong necromancy.  She was miserable, she was at peace for half a century and here this asshole was returning her to pain and anguish all for petty revenge.  And she tried to die under his servitude.  Everything from cutting herself, to hanging herself to jumping off things, trying to impale herself on things, but Yaksha stopped her at every turn.  She finally asked him why?  Why did he want this revenge?  At this point Yaksha couldn't even answer, but she knew the answer... Jealousy.



He was jealous of the attention Valestat was receiving... from doing good.  Sivella finally got it in his head if he wanted the same attention then change.  He ended up releasing her spirit, but she was stuck on this plane.  She ended up going to the castle in spirit form to see Gisselle and tell her the truth on how she truly died... but death himself had other plans...


He turned her into a guardian spirit erecting a statue she could go rest in when she needed taking her to the spiritual plane of the dead to recoop her spirit form.  She is free to roam Eladrin becoming the royal families guardian and her first priority was Krishna.... now that Yaksha turned good, Krishna his sire was pissed and wanted to deal with him and the woman who changed him wanting to end them both.... little did Krishna realize....Sivella was already dead...



And in her spirit form she tormented him causing harm due to him wanting to hurt those she cared for.  She had fun doing it for some time... but was trying to find how how to torment him physcally, she was see through... and in the spirit realm she met Leanna... another spirit that had a shell.... she could use a shell like that to torment Krishna and also hold and hug the people she cares for... one in particular Joel.. he gave good hugs when he visited her in the spirit realm.... but it kept making him sick.  Joel and Jericho devised an idea of building her a shell to her likeness that had all the functions of a living breathing female elf.... what they didn't know was that included childbirth..



Joel and Sivella ended up professing their love for one another after she had the shell.  They ended up engaged in a passionate night to seal themselves to one another... a night that in death would turn her into a mother...



She technically has three birth children, triplets Ayden, Xavier and Mylena.  Two sons and a daughter that had the blood of both Joel and Jericho... the ones who used their abilities to erect her shell in the first place.  No genes from their mother... the first angels of their kind that were both live birthed and have a soul... in the angel arena, having a soul was envied... powerful...and forces beyond their control wish to see them not exist...


A hundred years later and Sivella had been missing for about sixty years.  Her soul was snatched from the statue and not even her Guardian Leanna could find her.  Turned out for the last 45 years she had been living in Eladrin born under Princess Shyonia and Prince Noah of Eladrin.  One of their children.  She growing up always felt out of place and one day sort of took off wandering to find out why she keeps having all these flashbacks and nightmares of a past she does not understand or knows she did not live.  Sivella now named Sybil by her birth parents, Sybil Norrora-Wysarieth.


More as the story continues...

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