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Princess Rosalinda Desrea


Age:: Unknown


Race:: Nephilim


Hair:: Black


Eyes:: Emerald


Height:: 5'1"


Weight:: 108 Pounds


Love Interest:: None


Powers:: Omnilingualism: They possess the ability to innately speak, write, understand and communicate any language they've never heard before, sign language, illegible words, and backwards speech and writing. They could even communicate with animals or read body language.​


Precognition: Nephilim have the supernatural ability to experience simple or prophetic visions of the future. At first, they are merely capable of experiencing vague dreams of the future while asleep. While in their waking state; they experience vivid premonitions, either through physical contact with a person. They also gain an acute intuitive insight; meaning their able to sense the immediate actions of people and things in their current location. They can also use this ability to to fight and sense their opponents attacks and movements, making them deadly fighters.


​Empathy: Nephilim are able to sense and feel the emotions or feelings of other sentient life forms in their presence. They are able to instantly know when someone is lying by hearing the frequency of their voices. This leaves the nephilim establish a psychic links with others; even with individuals who can understand each other and become friends or allies almost instantly. This can even go as far as using the link as a tracer to locate those the nephilim connect with through their feelings. They will normally hear the cries of the wronged but they can learn to harness the power as they grow, using it to communicate with others.​


Flight: Nephilims have the potential to fly they just have to learn how to. When a nephilim learns how to they can fly any were instantly.


​Sacred Blood: As beings of angelic descent the blood that courses through their veins are blessed with the essence of the divine. Their blood is sacred, and is delectable and intoxicating to vampires, or other blood thirsty creatures. As such any that would feed off the Nephilim or worse, commit the basest sin of Amaranth, find that they are punished for their transgression, as the blood burns through their vile damned bodies. Nephilim can also be use their blood to heal others by transfusing them with their own blood, it could also be used to restore a deceased human back to life. They also use their blood to mix it in weapons to use against supernatural beings; such as tipping arrows with their blood. The angelic blood both adds to their beauty and caused the gentle golden glow that appears when they are in the best of moods.​


Heavenly Elemental Manipulation: All Nephilim no matter what type of angel there parent is can manipulate holy elements. They can summon it within there hands or create constructs of that divine elements. This ability allows for Nephilim to use holy elements without the limitations and weaknesses of normal elemental manipulation and because of this this power has healing and anti-demon properties.


​Angelic Wrath - When a Nephilim is furious their power becomes unstable. Since a major aspect of their strength comes from their rage this could give them a advantage over deities. However it's a double edge sword that leaves the Nephilim blacked out once that power is far beyond their control.


Divine Punishment - The caster will Use a bonus action to Put down there weapon and call to the heavens for there god, putting yourself at risk of revealing your position to angels, The charge up for this move is Instantaneous. The player will then use an action to slam there hands onto the ground beneath them, sending out a shock wave of Holy flames scorching there foes, dealing 5d10 (plus your charisma modifier) in a 20 foot radius around themselves. In addition to this Explosion, it will send out a loud explosive non-lethal shock wave 300 feet around the center point of the initial explosion (basically a very loud sound). The opponent must make a DEXTERITY saving throw. on a fail, they take full damage, and are blasted back 25 feet, If the saving throw is a single-digit number they will also be knocked prone. On a successful save They will take half damage and will only be blown back 5 feet with no chance of prone. Allies hit by this attack will have the same effect as the enemies. The player will also take damage from this move, The damage taken will always be halved and will be further subtracted by his charisma modifier. This attack will use all of your actions and turn not including movement. It can only be used once per long rest, if you survive.


Abilities:: Superhuman Intelligence & Perception: Nephilim possess enhanced intuition, pattern solving, information storage and retrieval, and logical and philosophical structuring. As a result of the angelic process they have undergone they are capable of knowledge, wisdom and comprehension beyond the human ability to understand.



Background:: Coming soon.

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