Alavara Desrea Vress'lve

~¤~ Other Names: Princess Alvara, Your Highness
~¤~ Character Type: Elven/Nephilim
Elven Hybrid High/Blood Elf
~¤~ Actual Age: 74
~¤~ Gender: Female
~¤~ Parents: (Father)King Veldrin Vress'lve (Elven Hybrid)
(Mother) Queen Aurora Desrea (Nephilim)
~¤~ Other Family: The list is too long to type at the moment find out in rp....
~¤~ Marital Status: Single
~¤~ Spouse: None
~¤~ Love Interest: none
~¤~ Skin Tone: Sunkissed
~¤~ Hair Color: Blonde
~¤~ Eyes: Whitish Blue
~¤~ Height: Full height will be about 5'5"
~¤~ Weight: Full weight will be 115 pounds.
~¤~ Body Type: Athletic
~¤~ Voice/Accent: Soft and sweet female voice with elvish accent
~¤~ Identifying Marks: N/A
~¤~ Dress Style: Eladrin Royalty dress code.
~¤~ Personality Traits:
--»... Cautious - cautious, circumspect, wary, chary mean prudently watchful and discreet in the face of danger or risk. cautious implies the exercise of forethought usually prompted by fear of danger.
--»... Caring - feeling or showing concern for or kindness to others. a kind, caring person.
--»... Intelligent - having or showing the ability to easily learn or understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations.
--»... Reserved - What does reserved mean in a person?
If you're reserved, you're the opposite of a loudmouth or a cut-up: you're polite, you have a lot of self-control, and you don't show your feelings.
~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Find out.
~¤~ Skills and Combat: Still learning.
~¤~ Favorite Quote: Who says I can't?
(More to come as story progresses)
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