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Aquilan Desrea Vress'lve

~¤~ Other Names: Prince Aquilan, Your Highness


~¤~ Character Type: Elven Hybrid/Nephilim


Elven Hybrid High/Blood Elf


~¤~ Actual Age: 52


~¤~ Gender: Male 


~¤~ Parents: (Father)King Veldrin Vress'lve (Elven Hybrid)

(Mother) Queen Aurora Desrea (Nephilim)

~¤~ Other Family: The list is too long to type at the moment find out in rp....

~¤~ Marital Status: Single

~¤~ Spouse: None

~¤~ Love Interest: Better not be any!

Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan


~¤~ Skin Tone: Sunkissed


~¤~ Hair Color: Blonde


~¤~ Eyes: green


~¤~ Height: Full height will be about 6'3"


~¤~ Weight: Full weight will be 225 pounds


~¤~ Body Type: Athletic


~¤~ Voice/Accent: Firm baratone voice with elvish accent


~¤~ Identifying Marks: N/A


~¤~ Dress Style:


~¤~ Personality Traits:



--»... Fearless - ready to face and endure danger or pain, showing courage.


--»... Strong willed - determined to do as one wants even if other people advise against it.


--»... Protective - of those he is close to.  Harbors a protective streak over family and friends.


--»... Hero Complex - someone who strives to be the hero of a situation.  Also known as the savior complex.

~¤~ Sexual Orientation: To be determined.


~¤~ Skills and Combat:


~¤~ Favorite Quote: 


(More to come as story progresses)

~*~ UPDATES ~*~

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