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Ravyn is the Daughter of Damien and Kaa Blackheart, twin sister to Anthony Blackheart. Growing up a spoiled child she wasn't really raised much by either parent, and thus she is free spirited in nature. Ravyn as her father calls her the child of light is exactly that, but is dark in appearance. Disheveled mostly due to her free spirited natures he is often seen barefoot and in little dresses when she wanders from realm to realm. When she sees something wrong, she will tell you its wrong and either show you or physically rectify the problem rather those involved wish it rectified or not. She holds many titles and looks as poor as a pauper unless its a special occasion.

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Ravyn had a battle with the demon Levos for him attempting to attack her lover Rhys Ravencrest, it was a three day battle that ended up leaving her frozen in stone due to him having Medusa's head. She was left in stone shortly after having her son Reeve for five hundred years until her statue was found in some old forgotten forest in Eladrin. Some villagers bringing her to the Queen of the elves as a gift of sorts till her father the Royal Adviser at the time recognized who she was and with the help of Drakkonis returned her to her former fleshy self. Which she came out kicking ass and taking names including her own father thinking she was still in a battle with Levos at the time, till they explained the whole story. She is still a bit angry with the Queen for wanting to use her as a lawn ornament.

A little while after she ran into a Void creature by the name of Verve. Verve had fallen for the Queen of the elves and wished a solid form so he could marry her, and Ravyn gave him just that with some of the magic her father taught her. Using her own blood, he took on the form similar to her with elven ears, and she now calls Verve Vresslve her created son, who soon married the Queen and produced her grandchildren.

She fell in love with a man named Seirou Ken and it was a whirlwind romance, so quickly to the point within a couple of months she ended up pregnant with twins whom she calls Hana and Raven Ashantison. Many things happened during her pregnancy, her sister Calista was ravaged by their own brother Drakkonis, Seirou became controlling to the point he didn't want her to leave her own bedroom and got angry with her when she visited her sister in the Hells to meet her new mate Anisel. Ravyn broke off the engagement to Seirou who denied claim that he fathered her children so now they have been raised in Winterhart by Calista. Her mother Kaa took not only Seirou's side against Ravyn but also turned her back on Callista, so Ravyn turned her back on Kaa and anyone that defended her changing her name to Ashantison suspecting that her mother had a crush on Seirou, and vise versa, after all Ravyn wasn't the first Blackheart he had his clutches on, he was also she found out later with her Auntie Kushiel and she hasn't had the heart to present her twins to her aunt in fear of retaliation, nor has spoken to her brother or father much since the incident.

Her father has shown up in her life once more, though she holds a bitter tongue towards her mother still. The second time his daughter was turned to stone, her father disguised himself as an older man, lost on a hunting party. Ravyn was skeptical of the man, but after some conversation, and some enlightening thoughts, she has decided to forgive her father for his behavior in her life. She knows now, that he was only looking out for his children, though the fact he continues to be there for them, even if it means his own harm, Ravyn is seeing a side of him she never had before. She is very grateful to have him, as well as most of her family back in her life. She has been spending her time with her children, as well as in the forests of Eladrin, though she can feel her ties to the light, to nature, and to her family getting stronger each passing day. She is very proud to say that she has her memories back, though now that her father has taught her some new skills, she feels she is ready to start her life again as a princess to the Blackheart line.



She was a lover of many years to Blaze Darkblade, they never fully committed to one another, he was gone for a few years.  She was in Eladrin just resting and pondering her future when some of her relatives were kidnapped by Tartarus.  She growled and followed them to him where he gave her a choice.  Either marry him or they die.  She gave up her freedom to keep them safe and married him becoming Queen of Tartarus.  They started eventually falling for one another and by accident they are now expecting their first child, a son.  After loosing her other four she is not exactly thrilled at becoming a mother because she failed four times.  But it was happening and Tartarus assured her their child would thrive, he promised this to his Queen.  

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