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~¤~ Deity Aspects, and Statistics

True Name: Ravyn Lenore Blackheart

Divine Ranking Fifteen (Intermediate Deity)

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Symbol: Click here for her divine symbol

Portfolio: Dragons, Elves, Family, Retribution, Secrets

Worshippers: Drow, High Elves, Druids, Rangers, Sorcerers and Wizards
Worshipper Alignments: Any Good
Domains: Good, Healing, Nature, and Magick

~¤~ Vitality and Life Statistics:
Strength 35
Dexterity 38
Constitution 32
Intelligence 37
Wisdom 35
Charisma 37
Fortitude +56
Reflex +67
Will +65

Hit Points: 718

~¤~ Skills:
Appraise, Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft (Scribe Scroll), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Innuendo, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (Song and Dance), Profession (Gypsy Alchemist), Ride, Scry, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language (Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan and Undercommon), Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope

~¤~ Class Features:
Animal Companion [Raven], Nature Sense, Resist Nature's Lure, Timeless Body, Thousand Faces, Trackless Step, Venom Immunity, Wild Empathy, Wild Shape [Natural and Magical Beast 6 per day, Plant creature 4 per day, Elemental 3 per day]

Animal Companion [Adult Male Centaur], Camouflage, Combat Style [Twin Weapon Fighting], Endurance, Evasion, Favored Enemy [Demons, Dragons, Erinye-Fallen Angels, Orcs, Undead], Hide In Plain Sight [Applies to forest, or jungle terrain only], Improved Twin Weapon Fighting, Swift Tracker, Track Twin Weapon Mastery, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride

(Rainbow Servant)
Animal Companion [Juvenile Satyr], Cleric Spell Access, Detect Chaos, Detect Evil, Detect Thoughts, Extra Domain Spells [Air, Good and Law], Feathered Wings, Smite [Any]

~¤~ Special Features:
Immunity to Disease, Ability Drain, Paralysis, Banishment, as well as Insanity, Sleep, Age, and Death Effects. Gift of Life, Life and Death, Mass Life and Death, and Teleport Without Error at will. Fire, Acid, Cold, Electricity, Sonic and Vile Resistance +35. Remote communication with her deciples within thirty miles. Speak directly to all creatures within thirty miles. Alter Self, and Alter Reality fifteen per day. Read, Speak, and understand all languages. Darkvision one hundred thirty five feet. Low Light vision one hundred ten feet. Natural Spell and Self Sufficient. Goddess Realm (She has access to the Elysian Plane)

~¤~ Combat and Movement Statistics
Initiative: 43 (38 Dexterity, +5 Supreme Initiative)

Favored Weapon: Scythe [Sundering, Keen, and Brilliant Energy effects]

Attacks: Radiant Omen [Scythe]: 82/82/78/71 piercing or 75 ranged slash
Damage: Radiant Omen [Scythe]: 4d8 +35, or by spell if any used

Special Attacks:
- Sundering: If used against another weapon, there is a chance the opposing weapon breaks, shatters, or backfires.
- Keen: Weaknesses are revealed, allowing for critical strikes to do more damage if she is attacking with her scythe.
- Brilliant Energy: Weapon's significant portion [blade, axe head, arrow tip, or knuckle spikes] glows, and gives off colorful
light of the player's choosing, as well as ignores any non-living matter, aside of those in Favored Enemy lists. This weapon's
special quality allows for the significant portion of the weapon to be transformed into pure light, rather than metal or wood.

Armor Class: None. She prefers to wear no armor, save for her clothing

Speed: Sixty feet. Fly four hundred feet with perfect maneuverability. Swim sixty feet

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