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~¤~ Full Name: Princess Ravyn Lenore Black Wylde Darktower

~¤~ Other Names: Ravyn Blackheart, Princess, Queen and Lily.

~¤~ Character Species: Ancient. She holds the knowledge and skills of beyond even time itself..

~¤~ Year of Birth: This has never really come up much.


~¤~ Actual Age: Due to the blood of the Ancients, as well as her ability to heal, her age is near impossible to determine. She generally prefers to be young though, at either her early, or late teenage years.

~¤~ Gender: Primarily female, though she is able to shift her body into that of a male.

~¤~ Parents: King Damien Gabriel Blackheart, and Queen Lenore Rose Obsidian-Blackheart

~¤~ Other Children:
Reeve Ravencrest Blackheart - First born son, fathered by Rhys Ravencrest {Deceased}
Verve Vresslve - Created son {Presumed dead by Eladrin court}
Hana and Raven Ashantison - Twin Girl and Boy, fathered by Seirou Ken (Deceased)

Adrastus (Son, father Tartarus)

Iris (Daughter, father Tartarus)

Atticus (Son, father Tartarus)

~¤~ Home Planes:
Material and Spectral Realms, Celestial Plane, as well as the Nine Infernal Rings.


~¤~ Marital Status: Married

~¤~ Love Interest: Husband Tartarus

~¤~ Ethnicity: Due to her voice, her pointed ears, and her youthful spirit, one could assume she was High Elvish.

~¤~ Skin Tone: Fair. Light surfer sort of tan

~¤~ Hair Style/Color: Being a child of nature, she prefers her silvery blonde hair down in loose waves. She will have it up, or even decorated at times, though this is only for formal events, or when the temperature gets too high for her liking.

~¤~ Eyes: Prismatic. She believes they are naturally a steel blue, or an emerald green in hue, though when she is extremely upset, or happy, they will shift to an almost blood red in shade, their soft glow almost hypnotic to mortal creatures.

~¤~ Height: At attention, and without heels, she stands at roughly five foot six.

~¤~ Weight: One hundred and thirty five pounds.

~¤~ Build: Slender and lithe. She prefers to go for toning, rather than muscle mass.

~¤~ Voice/Accent: The best way one can describe her voice is like this

~¤~ Identifying Marks: Small, almost dainty fangs are seen on both her upper, and lower canines. Aside of this though, her ears have a slight point to them, the young lady choosing to call herself a High Elf, or a hippie child of nature.

~¤~ Personality Traits: It is best to role-play with this character, and find out for yourself how her personality is.

~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Sapiosexual. She doesn't really care about things like gender, or looks, as long as you're able to challenge her mind, and have the patience for her at times. To her love is love, whether it be male, or female.

~¤~ Languages: She is fluent with the common languages, as well as Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan and Undercommon

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