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The Beginning

Her parents at one time were the rulers of Eladrin, Sera had died at the hands of the drow and William went missing during a crusade to punish those that caused the death of the queen. Before these tragedies occured Nimena was given away when she was very young due to the Drow wars, they didn't want her dying as well so they hid her where she couldn't be found, back with the humans. Upon returning home she realized her parents were gone, Arafina her fathers cousin was a full elf and she was only a half breed but Nimena was next in line. At the same time she knew that most of the elves would not accept her as queen of the elves because she is half human, she was barely accepted by her human side. Since Arafina was not only a relative but could be trusted, she entrusted her to rule Eladrin, and in doing so she appointed Nim as her Royal Advisor and head of Diplomatic relations and she continued to do what she loved to do best, her healing and cleric work.
Arafina shortly married Sarkas Eldithas who decided to outright adopt her Niece Gisselle Ronorian which Nimena arranged in hopes to strengthen the kingdoms resolve. Things however did not go according to plan. Some apparently did not like Arafina's rule, and had her assassinated with a frost Lord. Nimena blamed herself feeling that putting Arafina on the throne with such little knowledge made her a target, and attempted to pull that target on her back with Sarkas. Picking up the broken pieces of the Queens death for Princess Gisselle and King Sarkas whom decided to stay on the throne and be there for Gisselle, which was not going to be easy.

Arafina lives?
New threats plague Eladrin now and rumor has it when Lord Blackheart casted his spell in attempts to resurrect Arafina that in fact she did live, and returned with a heart full of hate blaming Gisselle and Nimena, having it casted into her mind that they plotted her demise, a spell she was sure someone implanted in now the crazy queens mind. If she is alive and somewhere, she hopes that she remembers the past and remembers that Gisselle never had hatred in her heart towards her mother nor Nimena for her cousin, for why would she place her cousin on the throne to have her killed? Protection was lacking but if she couldn't get the hatred from her heart for Nim, at least she prayed she wouldn't have ill will towards her own daughter whom aches constantly since her apparent death. Nimena continues to try to protect what family she has left and the people of Eladrin helping King Sarkas in any way she can.

Becoming Immortal
Damien Blackheart has claimed Nimena as his sister and bit her, changing her into an ancient like himself to give her more power to help defeat enemies to the kingdom and aid her in protecting those she loves. In doing so it almost killed Damien himself, for she was a pure soul, one of angelic heritage, which changed her into the goddess of light among the Blackhearts, the only one that cannot enter any hells.

The deciet, lost love and new love
Is currently branded by Sam who has given her a small brand between his shoulder blades, the details of her forced employment are kept secret for if it is revealed it could endanger those she cares for.
Drumain had broken off the engagement for not revealing the truth about the brand and what has happened, accusing her of lying and possibly bedding someone else behind his back. She accepted the loss and refused to take him back after he returned begging her to take him back. She did not want him to rip her heart open again. In her anguish for hurting Drumain Lucien had comforted her and told her how much he loved her. Nimena had no idea of his feelings and had a crush on him since she was once a princess. So now they are courting each other as she tries to mend things with the kingdom.

The first marriage
Nimena and Lucien had a beautiful relationship and marriage with a daughter Elera which recently has ended in tragedy. Lucien has gone missing shortly before Elera was born and is now presumed dead. Taking on the duties of caring for the rest of his children in his wake she alone with four children now is holding strong trying to defend the kingdom while protecting the Queen and new king trying to keep everyone afloat seeking comfort and strength with her friend Nogard along the way. This last year has been a tuff year for her and everyone as she awaits to see what the new King has in store for the kingdom.


Death of a friend and new daughter
The news of Nogard's and Lucien's death had taken a toll on her so deep that it was a depression some thought she was never going to come out of, similar to that of when she lost both her parents Sera and William. Nimena is trying to come out of it with the help of Damien for her daughters sake, though she is sort of mad at Damien for not really being there for his children she is accepting of the help for herself right now so she could also help Lucien's children get over this tragedy and help save Thraele from captivity who does not know of her fathers demize as of yet. She is struggling with Elera and her powers, Elera acting out because her father is gone, it has been a harder transition for her daughter then it has been for herself.



Husband Returns

Lucien had finally after eight long years returned home to her and the children, he had been kept in the UnderDark all this time till he was finally able to get free and kill his captive. She has longed for him and is so happy now, her children are all for Tylan whom is still missing but hopefully there will be another chapter with his return, in the meantime she is going to savor her time with her husband and the rest of her children together.

Death of her husband
Her husband was killed in the middle of the war between Samael and Lillith. The Starr crystal was destroyed by Samael and when the wards were broken the demons attacked. Damien, Gin, Ravyn, Durango and others helped to keep them at bay. Drejan Deathdraven figured out a way to banish the curse from the god Selvans which helped amplify the Blackhearts in the middle of the war against the perfect beings. Though the beings were perfect, they were untrained in the ways of the Blackhearts. The fully trianed ones were able to finally vanquish a good portion of them, while the rest had fled. Of course not without casualties, one of them being her husband Lucien. Now Nimena has decided to be alone and do what she can with her daughter Gisselle to help rebuild the kingdom.

New husband

Nimena had spent the last few years helping Gisselle run the kingdom, Gissele finding new love and everyone else started doing well after the Redemption scenario where a Tiefling almost took over the entire kingdom.  Afterwards things were winding down and a man named Sylcan Black entered her life.  He was the created son of Ravyn Darktower, The former son of a council member now brought back with a new body had an infatuation with Nimena.  She tried multiple times refusing his advances.  She was scared to get involved again.  Finally after so long and his relentless pursuit, that and others telling her that she it wasn't in her nature to live a life of celibacy she finally gave into him.  Now they have a beautiful daughter named Sylena and they are happily married... for the most part, until her new husband angers and tries to set fire to everything around him, but other than that its predominantly bliss. 

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