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Tylan Valeneros


Nickname: Ty

Age: 170

Moon/Blood Elf: 6 ft 2 in; 196 lb

Hair: Crimson

Eyes: blue

Build: Medium wrestler-build, dark skin, strong yet slim-built, moves gracefully

Wife: Missing

Mate: None

Family: Father: Lucien Valeneros (deceased)

Mother: Remdis Lasstanelen (Birth Mother deceased) / Nimena Valeneros (Step Mother)

Siblings: Sardan Valeneros (Half Brother) Gisselle Valeneros (Half Sister), Thraele Valeneros (Half Sister), Elera Valeneros (Half Sister}
Other Family: Eva Lasstanelen Wylde (Cousin)

Children: Cain Valeneros (Son)

Home: The Kingdom of Eladrin

Position: Lead Ranger

hp: 90
Str: 24
Dex: 18
Con: 19
Int: 22
Wis: 20
Cha: 25
Attack: +12/+6
Fort: +8
Ref: +8
Will: +5
Speed: 40 ft.

Special Qualities: BLS: 30'; Dark Vision 60'; (If you drink blood) Fast Healing 1hp/rnd; Blood Drink pint of blood= 1D6 HP Heal]
immunity to magic sleep effects

Class: Ranger (10)

Skills: Bluff, Climb, Craft (Bowyer), Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Profession (Tracker), Ride, Search, Spell craft, Spot, Survival, Swim , Tumble

Languages: Common, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Drow and Sylvan.

Spell Craft in depth: Arcane Torrent: Silence all enemies within 8 yards for 2 sec and restores 3% of his energy
Arcane Acuity: Increases critical strike chance by 10%.
Arcane Affinity: Enchanting skill increased by 40%.
Arcane Resistance: Reduces Arcane damage taken by 30%.
Fey Ancestry: He has advantage against being Charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.
Swift Quiver: He transmutes his quiver so it produces an endless supply of non-magical ammunition, which seems to leap into his hand when he reaches for it.
Nondetection: For the 10 hour duration, he can hide a target that he touches from divination magic. The target can be a willing creature or a place or an object no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. The target can’t be targeted by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.
Hunter's Mark: Can mark a target within vision range so he never misses with a weapons attack.
5th level fire wielder: Taking after his father he can wield fire to his will, not as advanced as his father, does not control the fire realm itself, but he could wield it on this plane to his advantage.

Feats: Favored enemy (trolls, Orcs, Goblins), Track, Wild Empathy, Archery, Endurance, Favored Terrain (Forest, Mountains), Animal Companion, Swift Tracker, Woodland Stride, Improved Combat Style, Self-Sufficient, Evasion, Trap finding, Camouflage, Uncanny Dodge
Weapons: dual-wielding long sword, Recurve bow (composite), Daggers
Armor: +3 Studded Leather (Camouflage)

He had been looking for his father which he had never been told his name, when he was very young. Before he walked out on his mother and then she had passed away... he was only given a description of what his father had looked like and slowly was able to get leads. Which led him to this kingdom... Eladrin. Upon returning to Eladrin he had met up with his sister Gisselle, a baby sister he has decided to protect on his own free will along side his father Lucien and stay in Eladrin.

~*~Updates ~*~
Eight long years he had tried to look for his father, and three of those years he was stuck in the very place he tried to sneak in and look, the Underdark, he had recently escaped by means of finding a way to break his bonds and silently killing his way out one at a time till he reached the surface he was now heading home by way of horse he kidnapped not too long ago to try to get back before they declared him dead.

He currently has slowly but surely getting over the time in the Underdark while looking for his father, he did it through sex therapy mostly sleeping with almost every maiden working in the castle and avoiding most of those around him. Now he has decided after a long extensive training session with some of the generals to take back his place in the rangers and cleaning up the ranks a bit fixing things that should have been during his sister Gisselle's reign. Not being upset with her because of all that she has been through he is kind of glad that his father stepped up to the plate with the throne so he can focus on the rangers without a shadow over his shoulder constantly, which gives him more freedom to work with his own ranks without secondary influence to make them stronger on his own.

His wife had been gone for several years with the Triskellion with no word leaving him alone to raise their son Cain.  An elf gets lonely after eight or more years.. but he didn't wish to give up on the fact that Izzy was still alive.. 

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