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~¤~ Nimena's Stats
HP: 715
Hit Dice: 20d8+140 (outsider), plus 10d6 +140 (Bard), plus 10d8 +70 (Cleric), plus 10d4 +70 (Sorceress)

Strength 32
Dexterity 30
Constitution 25
Intelligence 30
Wisdom 25
Charisma 35

Initiative: 35 (30 Dexterity, +5 Supreme Initiative)


Speed: Sixty feet, Fly three hundred feet perfect maneuverability, swim sixty feet


Armor Class: (10 + dex modifier + armor bonus + shield bonus + miscellaneous)


Attacks:Graceful Touch (Dagger) - 78/78/71/65 melee, or 62 ranged touch


Feather of Light (Staff) - 86/86/81/79 piercing, or 57 blunt attack


Damage:Graceful Touch (Dagger) - 3d4 +25, or by spell if any used.


Feather of Light (Staff) - 2d6 +32, or by spell if any used


Special Attacks: Turn Undead 12/day, Inspire Greatness 10/day, Divine


Blessing 10/day, Holy Word 10/day

Special Features:
Immunity to Disease, Ability Drain, Paralysis, Banishment, as well as Insanity, Sleep, Age, and Death Effects.

Gift of Life, Life and Death, Mass Life and Death, and Teleport Without Error at will.

Fire, Acid, Cold, Electricity, Sonic and Vile Resistance +35.

Remote communication with her deciples within thirty miles.

Speak directly to all creatures within thirty miles.

Alter Self, and Alter Reality twelve per day.

Read, Speak, and understand all languages.

Darkvision one hundred fifteen feet.

Low Light vision one hundred feet.

Goddess Realm (Elysian Plane)

Saves: Fortitude +53, Reflex +58, Will +53

Abilities: Strength 32, Dexterity 30, Constitution 25, Intelligence 30,


Wisdom 25, Charisma 35

Appraise, Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft (Potions and Artifacts), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Heal, Innuendo, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Medical), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Perform (Song and Dance), Perform (Acrobatics), Profession (Medic / Doctor), Scry, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language (Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan), Spellcraft, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device


Sorceress 10 / Cleric 10 / Bard 10

Divine Rank: 15

Initiative: 35 (30 Dexterity, +5 Supreme Initiative)

Speed: Sixty feet, Fly three hundred feet perfect maneuverability, swim sixty feet

Armor Class: (10 + dex modifier + armor bonus + shield bonus + miscellaneous)

Graceful Touch (Dagger) - 78/78/71/65 melee, or 62 ranged touch


Feather of Light (Staff) - 86/86/81/79 piercing, or 57 blunt attack


Graceful Touch (Dagger) - 3d4 +25, or by spell if any used.

Feather of Light (Staff) - 2d6 +32, or by spell if any used


Special Attacks: Turn Undead 12/day, Inspire Greatness 10/day, Divine


Blessing 10/day, Holy Word 10/day


Special Features:
Immunity to Disease, Ability Drain, Paralysis, Banishment, as well as Insanity, Sleep, Age, and Death Effects.


Gift of Life, Life and Death, Mass Life and Death, and Teleport Without Error at will.

Fire, Acid, Cold, Electricity, Sonic and Vile Resistance +35.

Remote communication with her deciples within thirty miles.

Speak directly to all creatures within thirty miles.

Alter Self, and Alter Reality twelve per day.

Read, Speak, and understand all languages.

Darkvision one hundred fifteen feet.

Low Light vision one hundred feet.

Goddess Realm (Elysian Plane)

Saves: Fortitude +53, Reflex +58, Will +53


~¤~ Languages: English, Elvish, Latin, Drow +9 other Languages


~¤~ Skills: Diplomatic Relationships, Charisma, Conversation, Royal Advising, Escape artist and Healing.


~¤~ Combat: Hand to hand and blades



~¤~ Powers and abilities :

--»Light Magic - Her Celestial powers were purified by Damien Blackheart, she is a light wielder, she can bend and Manipulate light to her will against dark magic and shadow creatures.


--»Shape Shifter - Can change into any form of humanoid or animal and can change gender from male to female (Born Female)


--»Flight - Has white wings with golden and purple tips that she can fly with. They are eleven feet from tip to tip and the height is about five and a half feet.


--»Celestial Calling - Takes most of her energy and could cost her life, only uses when she is desperate. She can call upon the angels to aid her in battle when she feels she cannot fight an adversary alone or to assist in a mass healing. (Due to her transformation it does not take as much energy now to use this calling as it did before becoming an Ancient)


--»Healing touch - Depending on the degree she can touch a person and usually with her light touch can mend wounds, cure most illnesses and poisons and bring an individual back to normal health. Sometimes she can send a ball of light that will heal the individual if she is too far away to touch them, but they have to be in sight for her to use that technique.


--»Calling Back Souls - This is another thing that can take lots of her energy, but she is able to resurrect a soul as long as its only been a few hours new and the soul is still nearby not having crossed over to the other realm. It takes a lot for her to speak to the soul to get the soul to return to its vessel, usually knocks her on her rear. (Due to her transformation it does not take as much energy now to use this calling as it did before becoming an Ancient)

--»Telepathy - Can telepath if she needs to, but does not use it often because people get too offended when she invades their minds in order to get a message across. She uses it only in emergencies.

--»Light potion - Given to her by Damien Blackheart, if used on another fallen, it can purify them back into a true celestial, it also heals all wounds sustained in battle or from torture methods.


--»Willful Seer - While one side of Willful Seer is flat and reflective, the opposite side of its center is a crystal lens. With the reflective side the Blackheart family can not only gaze upon their own selves in the glass, but through it those possessing it can also look out upon the world in all its inferiority. All of which they find displeasing in any way, their gift can change. With the power of bending reality itself, this gift can be used to reshape the world itself, and all within it to suit the whims of its masters. Meanwhile the lens side of their mirror has a purpose too, of amplifying and reducing energy, spells, liquids, and even solid shapes which passes into it. If one were to cast any spell or attack through the lens, the family can easily amplify how effective their attack, and power are, up to the level of a deity. Even plunging a sword or another weapon through the magnifying aura of it, will greatly magnify both its size and power, and anyone daring enough to strike against them, will find their attacks either absorbed by the mirror, or reflected back upon themselves. Plus with the power of the Sin of Pride, it is slave to its masters' whim, and will respond to their every thought with total and absolute loyalty.


--» Mind Reading- She is able to hear the thoughts of others when she so chooses.


--» Intangibility- The ability to pass through solid objects, such as walls, or even lead.


--» Shapeshifting- Nimena can transform herself or parts of herself into doves, butterflies, a doe, a pure white, and gold furred cat, other humanoid forms, such as Elves, and angels, an amorphous mass of glowing 'dust', and various other forms. Nimena has four known humanoid forms, each with different characteristics and weapons. This is due to the fact that an Ancient's form means very little, and thus, can manifest itself in any form they choose.


--» Ultimate Regeneration- Her ability to regenerate is considerably greater than any other creature's. She can be regenerated from a pool of blood, and even after being decapitated, blown to shreds by gunfire or ripped apart by swords and arrows, and even incinerated completely. When damaged to an extreme extent, her body simply turns into a cloud of mist-like particles of light and re-constitutes itself. Exceedingly dark, or evil weapons are known to incapacitate her for a time, but even a being such as Damien, wielding the Staff of Hell itself, will do very little lasting damage to her.


--» Omnipresence- This grants the user the ability to exist wherever and however they wish to. She can also exist in multiple places at once using this power, and she can appear in astral realms (being physically present in a person's mind for example). It also makes her completely immortal: Any alterations to her person by outside forces can simply be willed away, including fatal injuries.


--» Superhuman Agility- The ability to defy gravity to an uncertain limit. She is also able to leap what seem to be impossible distances, and can walk up vertical surfaces. She also has the ability to levitate.

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