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The Ancient Phoenix
~¤~ Other Names: Married name Hellbane

~¤~ Character Type: Ancient / Elven Hybrid {Blood/high}

~¤~ Age: 22

~¤~ Gender: Female

~¤~ Marital Status: Single

~¤~ Love Interest: None

~¤~ Occupation: Elven Ranger of Eladrin.

~¤~ Ethnicity: Elven Hybrid (High/Blood) / Ancient.

~¤~ Skin Tone: Fair. Her flesh is a flawless pale peach, though it holds a faint glow of bronzed gold to it. This is not only due to her Elven descent, but also due to the Celestial, and Ancient sides of her family as well.

~¤~ Hair Type/Color: Long strands of snow white cascade over her back, reaching to about her mid spine. If the light hits it in the right way, her silvery strands give off more of a golden glow, mirroring the rays of the sun.

~¤~ Eyes: Twin pools of crystalline blue, almost aquamarine when in the right light.

~¤~ Height: Five foot.

~¤~ Weight: 90 pounds

~¤~ Body Type: Toned but lithe. Almost like a fairy's body.

~¤~ Identifying Marks: Scar in the shape of a crescent moon on her right shoulder blade

~¤~ Voice/Accent: Elvish voice patterns, though she tends to speak very soft. It's almost musical.

~¤~ Phoenix Form: The Bird















~¤~ Dress Style: Elven battle attire if she could help it, consisting of trousers and tunic similar to the rangers of Eladrin. Formal events you will catch her in un-corseted slightly flowy gowns her father had made for her. She also has a new wardrobe courtesy of her love Durango. 

~¤~ Personality Traits:
--» Intelligent, as she can speak, and understand more than most.

--» Strong willed, almost to the point of rebellious.

--» Easy going. She is not the sort of girl to hold a grudge.

--» Loving, though she is very protective of her family

--» Trusting, but careful about who she gives her friendship to.

~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Undetermined

~¤~ Languages: Aside of the common languages, she knows Celestial, Infernal, Draconic, Elven, and Sylvan


















~¤~ Skills: She has found her skills lie in song, dance, and the element of fire, though due to she is still very young, she has yet to find her other talents. She is also good at kicking men in the groin, if she feels they are a threat.

~¤~ Combat: Still in training from Her father and his men.

~¤~ Special Abilities:
--» Telepathy with her family

--» Natural barrier against evil

--» Natural affinity with fire and light

--» Travel through mirrors and shimmer
More will be listed as she learns other skills she has.

~¤~ Parents: Nimenea Numenesse-Blackheart-Valeneros Mother (Ancient Light)
Lucien Valeneros Father (Blood Elf) (Deceased)

~¤~ Other Family:
--» Roshiel Valeneros-Roscent - Son (Father Hexion Roscent)missing
--» Tarron Valeneros-Roscent - Son (Father Hexion Roscent)missing
--» Queen Gisselle Valeneros Norrora - Sister
--» King William Norrora - Brother in law
--» Verve Vresslve Ex Brother in law (Presumed Deceased)
--» Sardan Valeneros Brother (Presumed dead)
--» Tylan Valeneros Brother
--» Thraele Valeneros Sister
--» Sera Numenesse-Xenoscient Grandmother
--» William Xenoscient Grandfather (Deceased)
--» Valin Lacrouix Great Grandfather (Deceased)
--» Elaina Tuleja Lacrouix Great Grandmother (Deceased)
--» Ravyn Blackheart Cousin (Ancient Prism)(Queen of Tartarus)
















~¤~ Favorite Quote: I am not a child anymore..

Background: Elera was born shortly after her father disappeared, she never got to know him. But she has gotten to know some of her family and her mothers friends...or in her mind lack there of. She is a loner most of the time with a huge imagination, you will most likely find her playing outside alone, finding animals and playing with odd things and singing rather odd songs in either Elven or Celestial, hiding from her tutors and doing the simple things as children do. Her mother was quite on a downward spiral for sometime so she is very cautious around strangers especially the male variety, she is not too trusting of them especially since she never got to know her father. She has been fairly good at her age for spotting the good, the bad and the ugly by sheer intuition and is trying to learn more about her father's side of the family and what this kingdom is all about.


Elera has been through a lot in five years, from Crimson and his attempted destruction in Eladrin, to Lord Drejan Senior and his kidnapping of herself and a few others which lead her parents to discover the underground slave trade to being trained in the forest by her father and his men training her in the forest for survival skills and training to use her powers better.

Still under heavy training but in the meantime her heart has been stolen by her child hood friend Azriel Blackheart, a Blackheart turned succubus under the control of Lillith, the mother of all Incubi and Succubi. She is not sure if he loves her because of what he is or what he has felt all this time so she is being cautious at this new relationship forming fearing of getting hurt due to his ways.

The new relationship was nix to non existent. Azriel had fled and no one could find him, speculation was he ran to make Lillith think Azriel didn't love Elera so Lillith would stay away from her. She decided upon herself to take it a step further and move Azriel from her heart. Thinking that he would be an incubus forever there was no way she would be able to not only satisfy his needs as an incubi, but be able to convince Lillith that they were not in love if they were still together. The incubi and succubi were starting to become rampant in Eladrin and even though she freed herself from Azriel to give him no more trouble, they were still trying to kill her. Hexion had saved her from such an attack and since she had found comfort and solace in his arms. He now shelters her even though at times this elven ranger doesn't feel as though she is in need of sheltering.

Hexion once part of the Blackheart family had gotten Elera into a lot of trouble, from being owned by Victor to taking on other lovers he wished Elera to share with him, Elera did that and more, for one reason and one reason only, she loved him that much. His last lover he took on with her was Lucien Hellbane who did not like the way Elera was being treated by Hexion. During their interludes Elera ended up pregnant again assumed to Be Luciens. Hexion pretty much explained to Elera that sexually she couldn't gratify him and Hexion pushed back the wedding date repeatedly. Hexion ended up leaving and Lucien Vanished leaving her alone with the twins.  Then Victor Hexion's handler appeared to her and they battled, because the twins had hell hound blood Victor wanted them, Elera lost the fight against Victor and he took the twins never to be heard from again from any of them, they are nothing more than her dark past and she focus's on her duties as a ranger to help her forget. 

















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