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~¤~ Character Type: Elven Hybrid

~¤~ Year of Birth: Unknown

~¤~ Actual Age: Old enough

~¤~ Gender: Male

~¤~ Parents: Unknown

~¤~ Other Family: Unknown

~¤~ Marital Status: Single

~¤~ Love Interest: None

~¤~ Skin Tone: Greyish

~¤~ Hair Type/Color: Long and Silver

~¤~ Eyes: Aquamarine

~¤~ Height:6'5"

~¤~ Weight: 245 pounds

~¤~ Body Type: Lean, toned.

~¤~ Voice/Accent: Dark, lulling, mysterious

~¤~ Identifying Marks: Scars on his legs and abdomen from childhood and war.

~¤~ Dress Style: Leathers and cloaks, easy moving and hiding..

~¤~ Personality Traits: Psychotic, stalker behaviors, chaotic, insane, angered, calculating, intelligent

~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual

~¤~ Languages: Drow, Elvish, Common, Orc..






~¤~ Skills: Enhanced Hearing: Ears pick up every single sound, and can decipher layer upon layer of noise; has the ability to pick up a conversation from twenty feet away in a busy room. May even mutate into echolocation.

Enhanced Smell: Users can detect specific smells, and locate their origin. Some may even be able to tell if someone is lying by which hormones they excrete.

Enhanced Taste: Users may be able to detect poisons or other problems, Usually accompanies enhanced smell.

Enhanced Touch: Some can feel so acutely that to rub the users hand on a paper would be like reading the page, sensing every bump ripple or wave. Some may even be able to tell of distant occurrences felt through vibrations in the earth.

Enhanced Vision: Can see with amazing clarity, distance, or color, perhaps even in a different spectrum of light or into other dimensions if given enough focus time.

Stalking: In exchange for speed, the user can move without sound, crouched down or even standing along a wall, permitting them to move without detection. If one is spotted however, the focus is broken and the user will need to run.

Immune to the following: magic sleep effects, enchantment spells and effects. Some poisons and toxins. Spell resistances. Immunity to Fire and Hellfire.

~¤~ Combat: Transmutation: The user can transform, alter or transmute matter, energy, elements, objects, beings (animals, mythical beings, etc.) into anything else, completely and temporarily.















Over channel. As a bonus action, a battle mage can over channel its spells until the start of its next turn. A creature has disadvantage on its saving throws against an over channeled spell. Attack rolls against the battle mage have advantage until the start of its next turn.
Tactical Casting. When a battle mage casts a spell that causes damage or that forces a creature to make a saving throw, it can choose itself and any number of allies to be immune to the damage caused by the spell and to automatically succeed on the required saving throw.


Battle mages are open vessels through which arcane energy pours raw, unfettered, and without regard for self-preservation. The art of the battle mage takes as much practice as any other type of spellcasting—perhaps more so. Many nations count battle mages among their ranks, with most establishing and maintaining an elite college or academy to properly train these living weapons. Just as much time goes into indoctrinating the battle mages into the patriotic beliefs as in the magic itself, for no group wants a powerful weapon turned against its creator.

Arcane Shield: Using the elements available at the time, the user can create a temporary defense from attackers, either a flash of fire to keep them back or a wall of thorns to protect themselves from attackers.

Shadow Step: Te user can now walk among the shadow realm, peering through a sort of looking glass of areas she wishes to visit before stepping through. She is still in the process of being able to control this new ability.

Dark Vectors: The hidden arms that crawl through the shadows, in areas with little to no light, the user can draw a limited length of arms with clawed hands to subdue or shred a foe to sunders.

Special Ability: Able to use shadows to his will.

~¤~ Favorite Quote: .......

~¤~ Personal Soundtrack: Animal I have become


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