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Age::  53

Race::  Elven Hybrid (High Elf/Moon Elf) Wylde

Occupation::  Countess of Eladrin (Former Slave of Lord Drejan)

Hair::  Bluish Black

Eyes::  Bright Blue but change due to her mood to different colors.

Height::  5'1"

Weight::  110 Pounds

Love interest: Married to 
Lord Gin Cazarian Wylde


Race: - Their race has no known name to the mortal language, other than simply the Old Ones. 

Sub-Race: - Moon Elf

Birth Date: - unknown, due to her ability to heal, as well as her ability to look any age she so desires.

Age: - Never ask a woman that.  Not many know her true age but she will be there at the end with her husband to lock up the universe.


Gender: - Primarily female, but due to her ties to the Wylde family, she is able to change gender, or even remove her gender completely.

Descendant of: - Evalis Lasstanelen - Mother (Deceased)

Current Residence: - Wylde Manor
Job / Profession: - Noble housewife

Title: - Wife to head of council in Eladrin Court.

Allegiance - Gin and Eladrin Court.

 Wyldehearts and the Kingdom of Eladrin.

Moon elves have brilliant senses and have quick minds. They often are aloof and aren't very social and like most elves are not terribly hearty.


--» Mind Reading- She is able to hear the thoughts of others, sense their emotions, or even communicate with them via a link between their minds. Because this is an invasive ability, she will often ask to use this before she does so on others.

--» Intangibility- The ability to pass through solid objects, such as walls, or even lead. It is unknown just how she does this, but her body can become ethereal, allowing her to behave in the world around her much like a ghost, or a spirit can.

--» Flight- She is able to produce two to four feathered limbs that she can use to fly with. These feathers are a very pale blue and glow in the dark.

--» Superhuman Agility- She, like other Ancients, has the ability to defy gravity to a certain limit. She is also able to leap over what would normally be an impossible distance, walk up vertical surfaces, as well as levitate should she need to.

--» Shape shifting- Eva can transform herself into doves, butterflies, other humanoid forms such as Elves, an amorphous mass of glowing 'dust', and various other forms. She has four known humanoid forms, though each has their own characteristics, and preferred weapons. This is due to the fact that an Ancient's form means very little to them, and thus, their soul can manifest itself in any form the Ancient chooses.

--» Break Enchantment- Having recently learned this ability, she continues to practice it, until she is able to use it without even thinking. If she finds herself in danger, she is able to free herself, or those around her from enchantments, transmutations, and even some curses. If the threat is caused by a permanent spell, or magic item, she can not remove the curse from the spell, or item in question, though she is still able to free the victim from the item, or spell's effects.

--» Ultimate Regeneration- Her ability to regenerate is considerably greater than any other creature's. She can be regenerated from a pool of blood, and even after being decapitated, blown to shreds by gunfire or ripped apart by swords and arrows, and even incinerated completely. When damaged to an extreme extent, her body simply turns into a scaled egg, much larger than one laid by an ostrich, and is re-born. Many evil weapons are known to incapacitate her for a long period of time, but this is because she is a child of light, nature, magic, and curiosity. She is not used to such evil.


~¤~ Skills:
Appraise, Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft (Scribe Scroll), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Innuendo, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (Song and Dance), Profession (Gypsy Alchemist), Ride, Scry, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language (Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan and Undercommon), Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope

~¤~ Class Features:
Animal Companion [Raven], Nature Sense, Resist Nature's Lure, Timeless Body, Thousand Faces, Trackless Step, Venom Immunity, Wild Empathy, Wild Shape [Natural and Magical Beast 6 per day, Plant creature 4 per day, Elemental 3 per day]



~¤~ Special Features:
Immunity to Disease, Ability Drain, Paralysis, Banishment, as well as Insanity, Sleep, Age, and Death Effects. Gift of Life, Life and Death, Mass Life and Death, and Teleport Without Error at will. Fire, Acid, Cold, Electricity, Sonic and Vile Resistance +35. Remote communication with her deciples within thirty miles. Speak directly to all creatures within thirty miles. Alter Self, and Alter Reality fifteen per day. Read, Speak, and understand all languages. Darkvision one hundred thirty five feet. Low Light vision one hundred ten feet. Natural Spell and Self Sufficient. Goddess Realm (She has access to the Elysian Plane)

Special Attacks:
- Sundering: If used against another weapon, there is a chance the opposing weapon breaks, shatters, or backfires.
- Keen: Weaknesses are revealed, allowing for critical strikes to do more damage if she is attacking with her scythe.
- Brilliant Energy: Weapon's significant portion [blade, axe head, arrow tip, or knuckle spikes] glows, and gives off colorful light of the player's choosing, as well as ignores any non-living matter, aside of those in Favored Enemy lists. This weapon's 
special quality allows for the significant portion of the weapon to be transformed into pure light, rather than metal or wood.

Armor Class: None. She prefers to wear no armor, save for her clothing

Speed: Sixty feet. Fly four hundred feet with perfect maneuverability. Swim sixty feet

Racial Feats:: Gift of Tongues.

Racial Prestige Classes:: Spellsinger.



Father Unknown
Evalis Lasstanelen - Mother (Deceased)
Remdis Lasstanelen -Aunt (Deceased)

Kieshara Wylde - Daughter
Sardan Valeneros - Cousin
Tylan Valeneros - Cousin
Gisselle Valeneros - Cousin
Thraele Valeneros - Cousin
Elera Valeneros - Cousin
Lucien Valeneros - Uncle (Deceased)
Nimena Valeneros - Sister in Law

So far the Royals in Eladrin...they have been treating her well..

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