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Evawynn was born in Eladrin not too long ago by the Lasstanelen house. She and many other girls thirty years ago went missing during Queen Arafina's reign. Arafina didn't look far into the matter, many thought the young women were dead, the young women wished they were, she and fifteen other girls were living right under the kingdom's noses the entire time, on a farm within the kingdom, Underground is where they would live for thirty years, being brought up to surface whenever the owner of the farm had a paying customer for his prostitution ring to make extra gold on the side. Thankfully Eva wasn't as beautiful as the other women so she didn't get picked often, but when she did it was usually to the mean ones. It wasn't until recently that King Lucien and his men had found them with one of their frequent customers Nosamir, a man whom they were looking for. They stumbled upon her and the other girls accidentally and the next thing she knew she was being teleported to Eladrin castle, being asked a bunch of question but unable to answer, the other girls refusing because of being scared, she because she literally cannot speak, she was born mute. So this was going to be an interesting new chapter in her life within the kingdom.

~*~ UPDATE ~*~

She was found out who she really was by Lucien Valeneros, to be his sons cousin who had been thought dead all these years. She was reunited with Tylan and were still asking her questions about the farm. They found out she knew telepathy and has been able to communicate with her that way, though her ability is a bit shaky since she cannot control it completely, when she speaks to one person, it tends to go to those within a quarter mile radius that is able to hear mental messages. She ended up kidnapped with the Royal children shortly after by Lord Drejan who was going to start using the children and raising them to be his new slaves since his stock was stolen from him. Eva tried to fight him and failed miserably ending up severely injured incurring his wrath. Lord Damien, King Lucien, Nim and several other of the Blackheart Clan were able to find Lord Drejan's realm and rescue her and the children, King Lucien killing Lord Drejan himself and returning everyone to the realm.

Later on she had met a man wandering behind the castle, disheveled, hungry, beaten and bruised with rusted armor and a rusted sword. Eva knocked on wood to get his attention and had him follow her to the castle's infirmary where she informed King Lucien of the man later known as Castitatis. That night Lady Nimena healed him of all his wounds and scars and he was question on whom was enslaving him only to be informed that his former slaver was dead, cut down by a hooded figure whom still remains unknown. Later that night she confessed to King Lucien that she feared going to the Royal Ball because of two individuals that sit upon his council used to show up at that farmhouse and pay for her services. Lord Elris found out that she squealed and threatened her to recuse her accusation or die. She attempted to recuse to King Lucien but he had already saw Lord Elris speaking with Eva and forced Eva to reveal what he said. Now she lives in fear.....having been threatened that if he dies, his followers will cut off her head as vengeance for his death.

Her Psionic abilites were taken by her teacher Vaelve due to her having to kill a Black Palm enslaver brought to her by Healey to do so. After he died he made a wish with her teacher the demon Vaelve to kill her or render her helpless. Instead of killing her he took away her psonic abilites but in return created her a voice box to be able to speak. Unfortunately its going to take her some time to learn how to talk...but now she is able too and without her abilites shes trying to figure out what to do in her next stage of life.

Later on one of the ones that helped her and the other women recover, Aiden Drejan, the son of Lord Drejan and whom she met when he was a child at Lord Drejans's manor where she was taken too to work, he would talk to her a couple of times, but at first he thought she didn't speak to him because she was rude, it wasn't until later he realized she could not speak what so ever. Shortly after she received her voice from Vaelve and Aiden realized the atrocities his father had caused. They got to know one another as friends when Aiden attempted to court Queen Gisselle. They both realized quickly that he and the Queen were best as friends and Aiden's heat quickly mended when he realized he was actually falling for Eva. They attempted courtship for a brief time before he was dispatched with Lucien to eliminate the Black Palm Threat. When he returned home after several months the two married and live in a beautiful manor in Eladrin hoping to have children of their own someday.

She ended up with a child. A girl named Lianna who needed care because her father Damien Blackheart has been away on business. She treats Lianna one of her own and her husband gave permission to care for her while he was stuck in the castle with the council.

The war hit with the kingdom with the demons. She hid herself and Lianna underground which was hard for Eva but knew it was safe while Eladrin was under attack. She came back to the surface the next morning checking to make sure all was safe.
Her home was unharmed but Aiden was missing. She found out later in the afternoon that her husband was dead and was killed during the war. Heartbroken she is heading back to the castle to find work in Eladrin. With her husband gone she has his estate, but she needs an income to help keep it running, and to help take care of Lianna.

Gin bought the manor from Queen Gisselle at a generous price and decided Eva and the child can live as they are. Gin of course lived with them but let Eva keep her room as well as the child while Gin took another room of the manor. After several months of living together Lianna started calling Gin father and Gin and Eva were starting to raise Lianna as mom and dad but staying as friends. Though being parents and having a child wonder why mommy and daddy sleep in separate bedrooms Gin and Eva started trying to figure out ways to answer those questions... until they started becoming closer. Gin asked Eva out and they began to court... soon after Gin has asked Eva's hand in marriage and she has accepted.


Gin and Eva married before the whole debacle with Redemption, When Gin went and hunted the woman that tried to steal the Eladrin throne down for four years, Eva was with child, and when her husband finally came home, he got to meet his three year old daughter Kieshara.  A hundred years later and nine children she is now an immortal like her husband and trying to keep a home together for her husband and children.

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