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Nienna Numenesse

Nick Name::





Yaksha Blackwind


Violet Blackwind (Daughter)










115 pounds


Dark Elf


Foretelling, Foretell Disaster, Foretell Battle, Way of the Heirphant, Comprehend Magic, Mastery of Magic, Detect Thoughts, Clairvoyance, Speak With The Dead, Arcane Eye, Divination, Commune, Divination, Sleep Seer, Awakened Seer, Magic Detect, Spell Detect, Empathic Sense, Empathy, Detect Physical Presence, Illusions, Instill Fear, Ray of Enfeeblement, Bestow Curse, Modify Memory.

Nienna is a priestess in her elven village, no one knows her real age but she is one of the eldest recorded in the history of elves.  She has many strengths and powers, magery, druid magic, healing magics of all sorts and dabbles here and there in a bit of Necromancy.  She is the type that loves to learn especially when it comes to new magics and is mainly loved by all.

She recently ended up in the kingdom of Eladrin due to being caught up in a sinister plot where she was kidnapped along with Eladrin's Princess Greyanna and a few others in an attempt to steal her sight.  Little did they know that was something that could not be taken as much as the heathen tried, it was gifted by fate something that could not be stolen.  She ended up in another situation with a vampire with Marius which the guards found her and others and rescued them from becoming permanent blood dolls.  

Ironically the Queen put someone in charge of her safety, Yaksha Blackwind, everyone told horror stories of his past including the man or vampire himself, but he could not fool Nienna, she saw the good side in him, the potential to be good, and slowly she was pulling that side out into the world until one day he planted a kiss upon her lips.  He took her that night and wished her to be his.  Not expecting someone like him would be interested in someone that was blind, she grew love for him and agreed to be his one and only. 

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