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Damainia Amelia Bloodsoul
Nick Name::
108 pounds
Ghazneth Demon


Even a single ghazneth was incredibly deadly, displaying phenomenal power and lighting-fast speed. A single Ghazneth could easily wipe out even large Purple Dragons patrols and contingents of War Wizards. The ghazneths' wings were able to shield the ghazneth almost completely from magical attacks, and the ghazneths themselves were able to absorb magical energy, draining magical items and greatly reducing the duration of spells cast upon them.

Ghazneths also had the ability to detect magic and could intercept telepathic communication.  It was later discovered that the ghazneth actually gathered strength by draining magic, even being able to heal their wounds with captured magic.

A Staff


The Story
Kidnapped when she was three she really never knew who her parents were.  She was taken by slave traders as well as several others in her village that she can recall and was taken to someone who beaten her into submission until she called him master.  The man that had her by age four was to be called Master Hawken...He made her and four other girls he had do horrid things, she was the tinest and the youngest and was deathly afraid of him.  When she turned age six she was freed by a bunch of anti-slave refugees, one of the men grabbed her and ran off with her when Master Hawken was killed taking Damia to his home and adopting her as his daughter.  His name was Alec but she would refer to him now as father.  He sent her to school for the priestess hood and watched her carefully sensing that she had alot of powers in her that was going to waste.

After a year in the priestesshood she was now almost eight years old, her step father decided that it was time for her to start training in the ways of the mage.  He taught her many things such as defense against the dark arts, healings, shielding spells, and a few offensive tricks that he told her never to use unless it was life or death.  She was trained by her step father in these things for almost eight years till one day the village they were staying in was attacked, she was able to cloak herself and get away but now once again she is alone in this world.  Her step father Alec never made it, he died in the attack helping the others to try and escape.  So she once again wanders the lands in search of her real family and where she belongs.  She likes to be called Damia for short to those that know her well and continues to travel the forest and taverns till one heart filling day someone will recognize her and know who she is so she can finally be where she belongs, she has been going through many trials and tribulations as of late but she feels now that what doesnt kill her only makes this young girl stronger.

Several years later the young demon girl was a woman and landed in Dark Stone where she met with Arcana Rose Shadow, the Empress of Dark Stone Empire.  Arcana decided to keep her, she could be useful later for her abilities.  She became invisibly collared by Arcana and has been sent on tasks, mostly assassination or retrieval tasks.  Her latest task has her being sent to the Kingdom of Eladrin to retrieve or kill the murderer of Arcana's son the Prince of Dark Stone.  Damia however is having second thoughts... mostly beause she disliked the Prince, but partially she is tired of doing the bidding of Dark Stone.  So she is there to do a job, rather she does it or not is the question. 

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