Aila Norrora Isamu
~¤~ Full Name: Princess Aila Valeneros Norrora Isamu
~¤~ Actual Age:??
~¤~ Gender: Female
~¤~ Parents: (Father) King William Norrora (Deceased?)
(Mother) Queen Gisselle Valeneros - Corinaith
(Step Father) King Aranis Corinaith
~¤~ Other Family: The list is too long to type at the moment find out in rp....
~¤~ Marital Status: Married
~¤~ Spouse: Masaru Isamu
~¤~ Children: Aya Norrora Isamu (Daughter)
Aimi Norrora Isamu (Daughter)
~¤~ Skin Tone: Sun kissed.
~¤~ Hair Type/Color: Red
~¤~ Eyes: Silver with gold fleck
~¤~ Height:Full height will be about 5'5""
~¤~ Weight: Full weight will be 107 pounds
~¤~ Body Type: Lithe and graceful

~¤~ Voice/Accent: Elvish Soft tone
~¤~ Identifying Marks: N/A
~¤~ Dress Style: Mostly gowns with some armor, breast plate, small weapons
~¤~ Personality Traits: Hard shell exterior. Shes a fighter and wishes to be the strongest of her siblings due to Rennyn and his torment as they were children. She hates being treated like a delicate flower.
~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Straight
~¤~ Favorite Quote: "Ohhh the power of underestimation....."