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Shyonia was born and raised in Eladrin under at the time Queen Gisselle and the only father she truly knew and remembered King Aranis of Eladrin.  She had it a bit rough at the start.  When she was a toddler she was kidnapped with her siblings Aila and Rennyn by their birth father William Norrora.  Her grandmother after several months was able to track them down and get them back, what happened to her birth father after that she wasn't told, nor did she really ask questions because she never truly knew him, she got to know and love Aranis as her father, and from the stories she heard of her birth father, it sounded as though someone she truly didn't wish to know.


In her teens she had a few troubles as well.  Scholastically she was doing excellent, but as far as self defense, fencing and hand to hand combat they were things she couldn't truly grasp to save her soul unlike her sister Aila, which made her a target for her twin brother Rennyn.  Rennyn was angry for many reasons, mostly because of their birth father and the fact that he never would become king, something he wanted desperately.  He would pick on Shy quite a bit from locking her in rooms to telling her whom she could and could not speak to.  Finally Aranis had caught wind of what Rennyn was doing not only to her and Aila as well and sent Rennyn away.  She ran into some suitors as well, some she was not interested in, the only person that she was ever truly interested in was Noah Wysarieth, a farmer turned castle guard and after a very short time her personal guard.


King Aranis after some persuasion from Queen Gisselle allowed the two to court as long as they did not display public displays of affection or private ones for that matter for two years. At the end of the two years if they still wished to be together then the king would allow them to marry.  Those two years passed and they indeed have a beautiful ceremony, and after just over a hundred years of marriage they have three beautiful daughters.  Sybil, Sierra and Velora.  They have been in bliss for over a hundred years until recently Sybil had displayed some disturbing mental decline and Rennyn somehow escaped from wherever he was and recently went after Shyonia, before this responsible for possibly killing her uncle Tylan.  If it wasn't for her sister Aila and her family, who knows what would of happened to her.


More as the story progresses.

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