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     Reverence was born to Redemption, a Slave owner in the Tundra kingdom, she wasn't sure too much what happened to her parents but her mother abandoned her when she was a child because she was a half breed, taken in by a Mercinary group who shall not be named the leader of the group was a Lycan who had her call him father. She was raised as a killer sorceress who was skilled at a range of things from magic missles to Counter spells and banishments.

Her mother at one time several years later kidnapped her and attempted to mold her into the heir she needed, a lot of abuse and mental attacking was involved but in the end Reverence broke Redemptions hold and managed to leave that place never to speak to her mother again. She almost killed her mother, but that was her flesh and blood mother, she was a half tiefling, but she had a heart somewhere under all that pink and couldn't bring herself to do it.

She worked with them for many years until the group somehow split apart from a family by the name of Direbanes, inducting the ones they liked into their family, attempting to get rid of the ones they didn't. Reverence was one they didn't, she was too carefree and not really one to bend to the will of others, but she escaped before they could get rid of her. Now she is a traveller looking for a new home and a new life since her would be father was gone now without a trace.

Reverence ended up in Eladrin where she had first ran into Gin and Damien Blackheart. Gin ran away from her for turning him pink, Damien didn't like her childish ways, he took her to the Queen and attempted to change her appearance to make her blend in with everyone else in Eladrin and force her into court classes to become more of a lady. She didn't function well there. They were trying to change who Revey was and she was becoming angry, then sad, then she finally broke free from Damien...shortly later she heard rumor that Damien was killed by Gin for other reasons unrelated to her... which after wandering from tavern to tavern and campfire to campfire she met Gunnolf.


She played tricks on him when she first met him, but unlike everyone else he liked her games. He made her a deal. For one year, she was going to play every game she had to try to annoy him, if she won and he was annoyed with her, she would get his shiny crown, but if she lost..... she became his forever. She is still playing the game.... but she is considering the fact that she might want to loose, because he is the only person that likes her games... and respects her no touchy policy. Which the no touchy policy has yet to be explained to ANYONE........very painful story.
(More to come as story progresses)

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