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King Verve Vress'lve
Queen Gisselle Ronorian Eldithas Valeneros Vress'lve

Princess Gisselle, daughter of Queen Arafina Romorian and Lucien Valeneros was forced on the throne by parliament due to King Sarkas's dissappearance.  Parlaiment fearing he is presumed dead and the throne had been empty for so long they had forced Gisselle as the last decendant of the Ronorian/Xenoscient line to ascend the throne until such time as King Sarkas returns or if he does not return she finds a husband and continues the bloodline.


Lucien Valeneros is her Steward and formal bodyguard when he returned to her life.  He is assisting her to become the best queen she could be to bring Eladrin back to its once formal glory.  She was thrown onto the throne during one of its dark times and being sheltered all these years by her mother till her passing she is a scared queen fearing she may fail the people of Eladrin. Trying her hardest after being thrown to the wolves she strives to learn as much as she can so she can aid in righting the wrongs of the past with the help of her blood father.


Many things have happened during her reign, Both real and Step fathers vanished from her life, most of her family gone, friends, but one man stod with her when she thought everyone was against her and defended her even till this day whom she loves and knows will help her lead Eladrin to preaceful days agaisnt the tyranny of others that try to assassinate her,  Verve met her and originated as her bodyguard.  The two ended up falling in love over a brief period of time and during a battle when Gisselle was hidden in the DarkStone empire the two married making him King of Eladrin.


During his reign with Gisselle they ended up having two children, Twin Prince Veldrin Valeneros - Vress'lve and Princess Greyanna Valeneros - Vress'lve.  When the Prince and Princess were just four years old King Verve had vanished without a trace, leaving behind Gisselle and their children never to be seen from again.  The council ordered Gisselle to declare her husband dead among the court and charged him with treason for abandoning the crown.  Gisselle was once again alone with her children to keep her company while she tried to run an empire.  

King William Norrora


Queen Gisselle Ronorian Eldithas Valeneros Norrora



Queen Gisselle was going through a lot of trials at this time, one named Samael was causing problems in Eladrin and at one time Ravaged the Queen while placing her under some sort of spell so she would have no memory of it.  That is when William Nororra came in.  Guardian of the Elysium William was quite powerful indeed struggling against Samael and Lillith the mother of all Incubi and Succubi who were trying to take over the elven kingdom as a new food source for thier children.  William was able to keep them at bay with the Elysium tree, but William had a flaw.  He was in love with Gisselle but feared rejection, so the man did what he knew best to win her heart, steal it.


William had casted a love spell on Gisselle, one that Nimena caught wind of because Gisselle was not acting herself.  Nimena had confronted William and when it was found out William had removed it and apologized to Gisselle for placing it in the first place.  Eventually Gisselle accepted his apology and started to court him to see if it would truly work out, no suitor offered for her hand due to her past with a Voidling, and everything was going smoothly during the courtship so the two wed in Eladrin making William the next King of Eladrin.


The Prince and Princess of Eladrin never truly accepted William as their step father.  They saw him as an attempted replacement of their father and were not having it.  It was Drakkonis Blackheart who interviened and decided to take the twins for training in the void, after they were angered their mother ended up with triplets with the new king, their half siblings Princess Aila Valeneros - Norrora, Princess Shyonia Valeneros - Norrora and Prince Rennyn Valeneros - Norrora.  Soon after Prince Veldrin and Princess Greyanna's return, which they were not the same after their training, The King of Eladrin decided he wanted more power as well as Drakkonis, though Drakkonis had an alterior motive, he wanted Gisselle to have his child to attempt to stake a claim.  


William and Drakkonis merged bodies into one powerful being and stayed gone for two weeks to become in sync with one another.  Drakkonis pretending to be William had his way with Gisselle, when Gisselle found out she terminated the pregnancy and had a huge fight with William, the marriage didn't last as Gisselle casted him from her home... but William didn't leave empty handed, he took his three children to the Elysium keeping them from Gisselle and Gisselle was heartbroken...  The council terminated the marriage and he is wanted by the Eladrin court for kidnapping and abandonment of the crown which was a treasonous offense.

King Aranis Corinaith


Queen Gisselle Ronorian Eldithas Valeneros Corinaith



Queen Gisselle met Aranis not long ago in the south outside the Eladrin borders.  Gisselle had been kidnapped by Lady Eva's thought to be dead husband Ayden Drejan along with Eva herself.  She was found by Sun, one of seven dragons she used to take care of in the past.  After her freedom and they starting to take their journey home Aranis was alone in a desolate land, seeming to appear out of nowhere in the middle of nowhere.  Before her eyes the man turned into a hydra and started to attack out of fear until Gisselle could get close enough to use her touch to tame the beast.  



It worked, the beast became elven once more.  Aranis used to be a prince in his own kingdom, till his curse got him banished from his own lands by his people.  Gisselle took him home to Eladrin where her step mother lady Nimena forged Aranis a ring to assist in taming the beast within.  To take off the ring wisely and use the hydra in self defense only.  The Hydra and Aranis both seemed keen on Gisselle and decided they were going to stick around her and protect her from any further evil.  This included the corrupt council at their seats in her court undermining her every decision including deciding that she was no longer fit to wear the crown due to her bad decisions and failed marriages.


Aranis and Nimena were not going to have Gisselle arrested and taken away just like that.  So Nimena, Aranis and several of the guards that were not under the coucils influence decided to charge the council for treason to the crown and had them tried in a court of peers in town square.  The people of Eladrin found the council guilty and sentenced them to death which SAranis carried out while having Gisselle tucked away at Wylde Manor.  


After all the trials the pair went through, the council was gone, Ayden was gone, William was gone and things were starting to become peaceful, Prince Aranis and Gisselle started to court formally and had a beautiful wedding ceremony in Eladrin castle with no interruptions.  Greyanna and Veldrin seem to like Aranis thus far, accepting him into the home and Gisselle had another on the way.. a daughter from what the seers tell her.  Even though she misses her triplets terribly every day, she is glad to finally have someone at her side that isn't going anywhere.


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